Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Below is a response to a remark that I posted.

Dr. Anne Marie Evers wrote:

I watched several talk shows over the past several days where Barbara Enreneich, author of the book, Bright Sided stated that Positive Thinking and Affirmations DO NOT WORK and belief in them was causing problems in the world. With all the negativity in the world today I am sad to see people spreading more. Isn't it better to spread HOPE, LOVE, PEACE & JOY?

I was very disappointed that this statement was made as people all over the world are using the power of the spoken and written word--Affirmations with great, sometimes miraculous results.
I have had hundreds of positive Affirmations manifest for me over the years and have tons of testimonials from people worldwide attesting to the great results and miracles they have experienced as a result of doing Affirmations properly. I would appreciate your comments."


From Sandee Elash

I missed the show, but if it was today, I'll be sure to catch it for the midnight repeat. However, without watching it I must share with you that I believe positive thinking, prayer, action & Affirmations DO work in keeping your 'hope' and 'faith' in finding strength & fortitude to 'carry on' through the dark valleys .......
...... AFTER ALL, as human beings, we will all visit that place at one time or another in our lives. It's just preparation for building our character...and can assist in humbling us so that when we do reach the bright peaks...we are READY FOR THEM! As in ... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! RIGHT, Rev-Doctor (Angel) Evers?



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