Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show - - - - Saturday August 24th, 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time! Annnouncing 'The Affirmation Hour' where we will be reading and answering your emails, calls, etc. and talking about the power of proper...ly done Affirmations. Also we will be discussing the topic Fear and share ways to handle and get rid of it once and for all. It is normal to have some fear (like crossing a busy street without looking, etc.) but we are talking about that negative, terrifying human fear that comes up when we are facing a negative challenge.
My Special Guest for the hour is my Roving Random Act of Kindness Reporter, Joyanna Anthony.
Joyanna is living her dream helping others achieve theirs. She has been involved with Success Teams for more then 15 years, the first being a business team for 9 years where her "group of 5" assisted each other with their businesses. Business owners often try to do everything themselves and are not large enough to have a Board of Directors or to be able to have the resources to pay for a team of advisors. This brings to mind that "isolation is the dream killer" and by working together and being accountable to members of the team you achieve things you thought were seemingly impossible. So, for 9 years the group cheered each other on, served as sounding boards and gave the appropriate kicks in the pants all the while celebrating each other's uniqueness. Joyanna joined her own Barbara Sher personal success team 7+ years ago. Her team mates helped her find out what she really wanted to do, which ended up resulting in her own personal discovery that what she ultimately desired to do was what Barbara Sher was doing! It happened in 5 months after she stated that and worked on a plan. Now she is Barbara's Canadian Director and a certified Success Team leader (meaning she was personally trained by Barbara Sher). She facilitates Success Teams in Vancouver and Toronto and absolutely loves what she does. Joyanna organizes Idea Parties regularly.
If you would like to attend an Idea Party please contact Joyanna at jojoanthony@telus.net. Joyanna's enthusiasm is contagious. She is a networker and has an incredibly vast amount of information to share on a variety of topics. Please contact her at the e-mail address above if you are interested in having her speak to your group.
My Special Guest for the hour is my Roving Random Act of Kindness Reporter, Joyanna Anthony.
Joyanna is living her dream helping others achieve theirs. She has been involved with Success Teams for more then 15 years, the first being a business team for 9 years where her "group of 5" assisted each other with their businesses. Business owners often try to do everything themselves and are not large enough to have a Board of Directors or to be able to have the resources to pay for a team of advisors. This brings to mind that "isolation is the dream killer" and by working together and being accountable to members of the team you achieve things you thought were seemingly impossible. So, for 9 years the group cheered each other on, served as sounding boards and gave the appropriate kicks in the pants all the while celebrating each other's uniqueness. Joyanna joined her own Barbara Sher personal success team 7+ years ago. Her team mates helped her find out what she really wanted to do, which ended up resulting in her own personal discovery that what she ultimately desired to do was what Barbara Sher was doing! It happened in 5 months after she stated that and worked on a plan. Now she is Barbara's Canadian Director and a certified Success Team leader (meaning she was personally trained by Barbara Sher). She facilitates Success Teams in Vancouver and Toronto and absolutely loves what she does. Joyanna organizes Idea Parties regularly.
If you would like to attend an Idea Party please contact Joyanna at jojoanthony@telus.net. Joyanna's enthusiasm is contagious. She is a networker and has an incredibly vast amount of information to share on a variety of topics. Please contact her at the e-mail address above if you are interested in having her speak to your group.
SHOW Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show (The Affirmation Hour)
DATE Saturday, August 24, 2013
TIME 12:00 Noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time GUEST Joyanna Anthony
PLACE www.contacttalkradio.comSee More
DATE Saturday, August 24, 2013
TIME 12:00 Noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time GUEST Joyanna Anthony
PLACE www.contacttalkradio.comSee More

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