Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Monday, January 20, 2014

Real, True Forgiveness Heals Even the Deepest of Wounds

So many people ask me about the power of forgiveness  . . . . . . .
Forgiveness is very powerful. When you forgive, your energy changes the physical structure of your cells and DNA. When you are embroiled in guilt, shame, or depression, you close down the energy systems of your body. All types of negative problems can erupt. Real forgiveness heals even the deepest of wounds. One Forgiveness Affirmation Exercise that is excellent to say daily is, "I, (your name). now forgive everyone and everything that has EVER hurt me. I now forgive myself and am forgiven. I love, respect and approve of myself. AND real, true forgiveness benefits mostly the person doing the forgiving!


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