DATE SATURDAY, November 12, 2016
TIME 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time
PLACE http://contacttalkradio.com
Susan’s mission is to help others with health issues through the Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essentials Oils and the teachings of Dr. Gary Young. Recently she is sharing the Native American Healing Remedy, ‘Two Feathers Healing Formula’ after her life was saved by using this formula when she was diagnosed with cancer. She shares her healing journey through her book Ha I Laugh in the Face of Cancer. Her brother former L.A. Lakers Owner, Jerry Buss also had cancer and chose conventional treatments, his suffering and untimely death, inspired Susan to write her book in his honor. Susan lives and plays in Phoenix, AZ.
I found Susan a very interesting, informative and knowledgeable guest and I was very inspired by her story. The goal of her book Ha, I Laugh in the Face of Cancer is to provide simple solutions for complex problems. Some of Susan’s solutions are---taking responsibility for your own healing from Cancer, as well as many other diseases and removing the decision making from Medical Doctors to your own Great God Self! You are the determiner of your fate. You will decide the Set of your Sails and the destination that will Chart your ship, because you are the Captain of your Ship and the only Decision Maker in your Universe! Check out her website www.hailaughinthefaceofcancer.com. Her book, Ha, I Laugh in the Face of Cancer is also available through Amazon, both soft cover and Kindle Ebook version.
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See you there! Many Affirmation Blessings
Dr. Anne Marie Evers
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