Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Thursday, April 07, 2011

(Information from Dr. Anne Marie Evers' books and writings)

Self-respect is very similar to self-esteem and is determined by how highly you regard yourself, how much faith you have in yourself and your sense of personal dignity and independence.

A healthy level of self-respect brings self-reliance, regard for oneself, and an awareness of who you are and how you feel about yourself. When you have self-respect you respect yourself and your abilities, you expect others to respect you accordingly. You do not allow others to run your life and you do not over-extend yourself or play the role of 'People-Pleaser.' You are able to say 'No' to the unreasonable or unwanted demands of others and to anything that is not in your best and highest interest.

Healthy, Divine, unselfish love and respect for self increases your self-esteem. When your self-esteem goes up, so does your popularity. What you think and how you feel about yourself is very important as it sets the mode for how others think and react to you.

It is never too late to heal your self-image. Begin today to see yourself in a different and more positive light and accept your perfect place in life. Become aware of who you already are. How can you expect others to respect you if you cannot respect yourself? You have the power within you to create your dreams, increase your income and improve your self-image and much more. Through the power of your subconscious mind you can develop a positive, mental attitude and attract that lasting relationship, successful career, business, money and more.

When you learn to love, respect and approve of yourself, just the way you are wonderful things happen in your life. Make a habit of forgiving, nurturing and loving self, and focusing on health, wealth and happiness. Your self-worth is much more important than your net-worth.

Learning to Love, Respect and Approve of Self

Step Process
One of my clients came to me with the following problem. He said he did not love himself, in fact he said he actually loathed himself. He said it was impossible to go from loathing himself to loving himself. I suggested he do the Step Process, I also suggested that he take his time with each step and to stay on that step until he really felt that way. He did and he was able to come to a place of self-love one step at a time.

Step 1 – I tolerate myself
Step 2 – I accept myself
Step 3 – I like myself
Step 4 - I respect and approve of myself
Step 5 – I love myself

Dr. Anne Marie Evers



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