Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Monday, May 02, 2011

Animals teach us by their unbounded joy and dignified presence in times when we are experiencing sorrow, loss or hurt. They are both our companions as well as our teachers.

When I had my eye surgery every time my husband Reg came over to my chair to put eye drops into my eye(s), our cat, Jersey Girl immediately jumped up and positioned herself between him and I. Reg is definitely her favorite, but when she thought I needed her she was there, watching his every move and staring at me while purring loudly.

When my first husband Al passed away, we had a dog named Chrisy. When I would start to cry she came over, looked a me and laid at my feet. She never left my side until I stopped crying and started a conversation with her, telling her that I would be okay and it was okay for me to grieve for him.


What lessons can we learn from our animals? The answer is many. I think the biggest ones of all are unconditional love; learning to trust and to be grateful. Another thing about animals they always seem to be present in the now and yet they can see beyond that now. I truly believe they understand the importance of just being; and of playing and having fun. And guess what? They don't hold grudges.

I appreciate what Eckhart Tolle has to say: "Animals are closer to God than humans. They are closer to the Source. The humans are more lost in the mind forms."

I have a friend who actually has conversations with animals and she related a story when I interviewed her on one of my radio talk shows where the owners were going to put down a beautiful horse because he limped and had a sore foot. When my friend talked to the horse, it told her that a tiny pebble was lodged in it's foot. She relayed the information to the owners who immediately checked it out. It was true and when the pebble was removed, the horse was back to its normal, healthy self.



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