Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Talking and Listening to
Your Body 

Talk to Your Body and Listen, Listen, Listen! Be kind and
gentle with yourself and don’t get discouraged if you don’t
get the results you seek immediately or over night. Be
patient and allow your body to become aware and accustomed
to using the Divine Healing and Rejuvenation Process.

Be patient and have faith and belief. Be persistent and watch for tiny
changes at the beginning and then build upon them. These tiny changes
give you faith and encouragement for you to go on with ‘the program.’
You may wish to purchase a little notebook and call it ‘Body Love Talk’

Ask your body, “Do you have anything to say to me?” Stop and really
listen. You may be surprised at what ideas, thoughts or feelings surface
in your mind. Be aware of them as this IS your body speaking to you
in the only way it KNOWS how to communicate.


Another way to beautify yourself is to perform Random\Acts of Kindness on a daily basis. You will be surprised at how much younger and lovelier you appear when  you truly help  another person! Feel the joy and \excitement in every part of your body. Try it and find out for yourself.

Love Your Body

Love your body and thank it for keeping you strong and healthy for many years. Learn to unconditionally love, respect and approve of your body just the way it is.

Talk to your body in the form of Affirmations.Always remember that if, when doing any
Affirmations, exercises, or meditations, any negativity comes up, recognize it immediately and then say with great authority, “Cancel, cancel or delete, delete that  is not a true statement.” Then quickly add your positive (the truth for you) statement to fill that space, saying the following statement . . . .

“The truth is . . . . (and then fill in the truth for you)!

Affirmations When Properly Done Always Work!

This information is copyrighted and taken
from ‘Affirmation Beauty Book’ by Dr. Anne
Marie Evers


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