Make Your Christmas
Wish Come True !
Is this a particularly difficult time for you?
Are you searching for that Mr. or
Tired of the Mr. or Mrs. Right Nows!
Are you upset and anxious?
Are you tired of being alone?
Are you ready to make room and time for his/her?
Are you saying, “Poor me, I will never meet anyone?”
If so now is the time to do something concrete and positive about it.
Make it your decision to make this the last Holiday Season you spend without that special loving, life partner!
Then after you have made that decision, think of what could be, or what is standing in your way.
Do you need to forgive yourself?
Are you too hard on yourself?
Are you putting up barriers?
Being in a relationship with self or others is a responsibility.
You are the scriptwriter, producer and director of your show.
The most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself. All relationships are instruments for growth and, with growth come problems, (opportunities –o p p s sometimes ‘opportunities in work clothes!’) Relationships are not good or bad, they just are!
Do some simple self-forgiving as follows.
The Extended
Toothbrush Forgiveness Exercise
This exercise will help you get back on track and assist you in learning to appreciate, love and respect yourself.
When you get up
in the morning and just after you have brushed your teeth, look at yourself in
the mirror and say, “Hey
Self you are a mighty fine person. You are the greatest.” Then say, “I, (your name), now
forgive everyone and everything that has ever hurt me, I
now forgive myself, I love, respect and approve of myself just the way I
am. I now release all feelings of anger, unhappiness and
disappointment from previous negative relationships. I let them all go. They are gone. Thank
you, thank you, thank you.” Just feel the unconditional love going from you to you into every
part of your body. You are saturated with self-love, self-respect and
No it is not selfish to love, respect and approve of self in a healthy and balanced manner. .
How did it feel doing the Daily Extended Toothbrush Exercise?
Did you find it difficult at first?
Could you feel the love coming from your heart and going into every part of your body?
Did you find it difficult to say the words, “I love, respect and approve of myself?”
What made you keep on doing the Exercise?
Write down your feelings (no matter how insignificant or silly they may seem to you).
Do you feel the anger and hurt beginning to melt around your heart?
Was it difficult to look at yourself and tell yourself how much you love and respect yourself?
Do you feel that you are being overlooked and/or ignored?
Do you feel unlovable
Do you feel inferior?
Do you feel unattractive?
Not smart enough?
Not educated enough?
Not pretty enough?
Not handsome enough?
Not good enough?
Not slim enough
Do you have low self-esteem and poor body image?
Not rich enough?
Do you feel that no one would want you?
Not tall enough?
Not smart enough?
Not healthy enough?
Do you feel like a doormat?
Do you feel your feelings are bottled up inside of you?
Do you feel trapped and angry?
Do you find it difficult to forgive?
After you have completed your self-forgiveness exercises and released those negative blocks,
it is time to get down to brass tacks and do your Affirmations.
Materials Needed
Sample Master Affirmation for loving, lasting relationship or marriage)
Photograph or sketch of desired result (for example a picture of
Should you like the appearance of movie star, your
could write under the picture. Someone that looks like him/her.
Look in magazines or newspapers to
find sketches, pictures of a person you like the looks of;
Colored felt pen, pencil crayon or pen;
Scissors;Scotch tape or glue;
8.5”x 11” sheet of white or colored paper;
Plastic insert sheet or transparent sheet protectors
Loose-leaf binder for Master Affirmations
Loose-leaf binder for Fulfilled Affirmations and most of all—
A burning, desire, faith determination and expectancy, and oh yes,
Have Fun!
The process of doing affirmations is similar to that of planting a garden. It involves the following four-step process.
Step 1) Preparing the Soil –
Forgiveness (Seed selection and soil preparation)
The rich, fertile soil of the subconscious mind
must first be prepared for the seeds to be planted in it. This means eliminating any obstacles or
unfavourable conditions that might potentially hinder the fruitful
growth of the seed. In the case of the mind, this involves a process of forgiveness
that assures that any old
resentment or anger with regard to other relationships is cleared away.
Forgive everyone and everything that has
ever hurt you--including yourself. Then love, espect and approve of yourself just the way you are. Forgiving
yourself for any rong you may have done to others and feeling that you are
forgiven is also an important part of this process. Letting go of old
resentments gives you peace of mind and a clean sate from which to powerfully
manifest that loving, fulfilled, happy relationship or marriage.
Use color as color wakes up and excites the subconscious mind. For Relationship Master Affirmations use the color pink as it denotes romantic love! Add hearts and happy faces and make your Master Affirmation so attractive that you just
can’t wait to take it out every morning and evening and read it over! A movie in color is more vivid and impressive to the subconscious mind than a black and white one.
Step 3) Watering and Fertilizing
When affirming for that special mate—
SEE the outline of that person;
HEAR him or her speaking to you;
SMELL their perfume or cologne’
FEEL how happy you are, their arms around you or the ring on your finger.
TASTE take a drink of sparkling water or visualize biting into a juicy apple to complete the 5 physical senses.
Short Form Affirmation (for Relationship)
SFA Lasting, loving relationship/marriage me now!Sample Master Relationship Marriage Affirmation
Sketch or Photograph here– make it colourful)
“I, (your name),
deserve and now have a loving, happy, lasting relationship (that turns into
marriage) with the perfect man or woman for me.
He or she is kind, loving, generous, healthy, completely balanced, nice looking; about my age,
specific height, coloring and whatever you wish to affirm. This person is
unattached mentally, physically and emotionally. He or she is financially
independent and prosperous and finds
love and happiness with me. I am kind, loving and generous. I give and I
receive. This person enjoys similar activities and being together. He/she
accepts my family as I accept theirs! This person has a good sense of humour
and we have fun together!
God or Divine Intelligence knows
where this person is and the great wisdom of my subconscious mind now brings us to together in its own way. We
deserve each other and now have and enjoy a long, lasting, happy, healthy
relationship to the good of all parties concerned. I now release this request
with faith to my subconscious mind knowing it has manifested. I also release my
intense attachment to the outcome. I give thanks to God for the perfect answer
to my prayer. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.”
I totally accept
Now you have made a firm and binding contract
with your Higher Self, God, Universal
Mind or whomever you
believe in.
Master Affirmation Check List
Does it contain the 3 P’s (personal, positive, present tense)?
Is it to the good of all parties concerned?
Did you use action words?
Did you make it colourful?
Did you put feeling, faith and expectancy into writing your Affirmation?
Did you use your common sense?
Did you say Thank you Three times?
Did you date and sign it?
Did you enjoy doing it?
Did you have fun?
If you answered yes to all of the above questions, congratulations,
If your thought, desire or affirmation arises at the
instant when there are no conflicting thoughts present to nullify this power, the mind throws its great force
behind that one desire or affirmation. The mind is not divided among other
thoughts and that particular affirmation manifests immediately, as if by some
form of magic.
a) Blow breath into your affirmations by taking
action. In addition to doing affirmations when seeking that perfect,
relationship, blow breath into your affirmations by accepting invitations,
meeting other single people and going places where they congregate. Be
conscious of other single people when shopping, traveling, where you work and
other places. Tell friends and relatives you are interested in meeting that
special person.
b) Please be certain to use the clause to the good of all parties concerned
in every Master Affirmation, as this
is your safety net. When you use this phrase your affirmation
will not manifest unless it is to the good of everyone involved and this
of course includes you! You could add to your Affirmation, “This or something superior now manifests for me.”
c) Be thankful to God, Universal Mind or whom ever you
believe in. Also be thankful to yourself,
life, nature and creation, adopting an attitude of gratefulness. It is easy to
give thanks after you have received
your good or blessings. Give thanks
before. Write thank you three times after every Master Affirmation. When you say thank you, you obligate the
planet for more. Have and maintain an attitude of gratitude and watch miracles
happen in your life.
e) Repetition is a very important factor in
creating and manifesting your affirmations. Repeating an Affirmation is
leading the mind to that state of consciousness where it accepts that which it
wishes to believe. Repetition is the exercise that accelerates the energy and
vibration that is already present to make your Affirmations manifest quicker.
When you repeat Affirmations, thought patterns are impressed on your
subconscious mind and you are transforming your previously held beliefs,
opinions, ideas and concepts about that statement. When you say Affirmations
over and over, the words become a living presence in your awareness. Later you
become the words in the Affirmation. It is important to then turn it over to a
Higher Power, God, Universal Mind or whomever you believe in for
materialization. Repetition reinforces the belief system and convinces the mind
that it is true and the laws of the great Universe take care of the rest.
Repetition is accepted in every culture. Some forms of prayer
are repeated over and over. When people chant in rhythm it helps to place them
in a reflective state. In some types of meditation, the mantra is
repeated over and over. When you repeat your Affirmations with faith,
conviction and expectancy, you are actually leading your mind into the state of
consciousness where true faith and belief exist. Doing affirmations is not a one time procedure or event. It takes
constant repetition. To make an Affirmation concrete, think, write, feel and
say it out loud with great feeling and gusto. In other words, say it until you
mean it. Convince yourself of its truth and reality. There is no quick fix or
fast spiritual food method of doing Affirmations and there are no McAffirmations! The Affirmation Process
takes work, effort, concentration and the results are well worth the effort.
f) I use the Check Mark Method with great success. When my Affirmations manifest, I put a big check mark on the Master Affirmation with a felt pen together with the date it actually happened. I place it in my Fulfilled Master Affirmation Book. When I begin a new Affirmation to expand and increase my faith, all I have to do is to look back at all
the ones that have happened. It also reminds me of all the Affirmations that have manifested that may have slipped into my past memory bank and those which I may have completely or partially forgotten. It brings them to my attention and consciousness. I have many huge loose-leaf books marked Fulfilled Master Affirmations in all phases of my life. The good news is that you can have the same.
h) Use the power of focus. When you take a
magnifying glass and hold it steadily and close over a small portion of a
newspaper, the paper will burn if the sunlight is strong enough. This is a
sample of focused energy. Nothing will happen if you hold the magnifying glass
at the same distance from the newspaper and move it quickly back and forth as
you are scattering the energy and power.
How Many
Affirmation Can I Say at a Session?
You can work on
many Affirmations at one sitting. Take out your completed Master Affirmation,
read it over, and then visualize the end result. Step ahead three or four weeks
or months in your mind’s eye and bring in the five senses. Visualize in vivid
color the desired outcome and then go on to the next affirmation. Do one Affirmation at a time, as this does not scatter the power of the focus when you
concentrate on one Affirmation at a
time. Should you place several on one page, it can become confusing and you
will be diluting and scattering the power of focus. When you do affirmations,
focus and concentrate on what you desire and the results manifest.
Enjoy Your Magnificent Creations!
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