Terry Cole-Whittaker is considered by many to be one of the premier motivational and inspirational speakers and teachers in the world. She was the CEO of her own corporation of 40 employees, 600 volunteers and 7 teaching centers throughout California. Her Emmy-winning weekly television ministry program was syndicated in over 400 markets in the US.A. Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Guam and reached millions. Her five bestselling books highlight the body of her work--'What You Think of Me is None of My Business,' a classic pioneering book on personal power and motivation, is still in print after 20 years. Her other books include 'How to Have More in a Have-Not world, Love and Power in a World Without Limits and Dare to Be Great.' She has appeared on over 800 television and radio programs, including Oprah, Larry King Live and Good Morning America and has been featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal and in Time, Newsweek, Family Circle and many other magazines and newspapers. Terry travels extensively giving seminars, retreats and key note address to both spiritual and entrepreneurial groups. She lives in Los Angeles, California. Her website is www.terrycolewhittaker.com
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