Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Sunday, May 24, 2015

My new book, 70 Ways to Cope with Chemo and/or Other Medical Treatments has just been released and is on
I am so pleased to have Dr. Bernie Siegel write the Foreword for my book.

By Bernie Siegel, MD

I’d like to share with you my personal experience with affirmations. My wife and I start the day doing some exercises to help her cope with multiple sclerosis. While we climb a flight of stairs, I repeat the following affirmations: "Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever. I am happy. I am healthy. I love my life, family, body and pets. I am content with what I have. I rejoice in the way things are. I have all the energy and strength that I require. Nothing is lacking. The whole world belongs to me."

When we face emotional or physical problems, words can become swords that can kill or cure because what the mind believes the body experiences. I know from personal experience how our attitude and life events contribute to our health and vulnerability to illness. Yet oncologists often do not see or believe this because they treat a diagnosis and not their patients’ experience. As Jung said, "The diagnosis may help the doctor but it doesn’t help the patient. [...] the key thing is the story, for it alone shows human background and human suffering and only at that point can the doctors’ therapy begin to operate."

Decades ago, psychologist Bruno Klopfer correctly predicted the rate of growth of cancers in 20 out of 24 patients, based on their personality profiles. Psychiatrists, too, understand the benefits of transformation and many have seen supposedly terminal cancer patients recover when they received therapy to prepare them for the end of their life. Even hospices have dropouts and graduations.

Mind and body are a unit and I have learned that we can generate health by having beliefs and affirmations with a positive outlook. It’s really about having hope and conviction in your body’s innate capacity to heal itself.

False hope is an oxymoron; hope is always real. So believe, have faith and let the affirmations in this book turn words into swords that can help cure you and eliminate your illness and problems. Become a health warrior, with Anne Marie as your guide and life coach through the troubled waters of cancer and chemo. You can dance in the rain.

I know that affirmations, when properly done, make a life-changing difference. Read on, learn and live.


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