Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Step 1 - Clear your Mind
Step 2- Search
Step 3- Decide
Step 4- Ask
Step 5 - Creatively Visualize
Step 6 - Accept & Receive
Step 7 - Say "thank you, thank you, thank you," and enjoy your creation

STEP ONE - Clear your mind and take 3 deep breaths. On the OUT breath, breathe out fear, doubt and any form of negativity Take 3 more and On the IN breath, breathe in health, peace, joy, love, prosperity and happiness.

STEP TWO - Search in the files of your mind. and ask yourself, "Is
this really my voice? Is this really what I want at this time in my life?" After you ask these questions, stop for a moment or two before answering and reflect upon them. Are you ready to accept those wonderful gifts? If so, put your order in to the Universe.

STEP THREE - Make a decision and stick with it. When you make a decision and stick with it, you release a great deal of intuitive and powerful energy. Decide that this what you really want with all your heart and then accept and receive these priceless gifts.

STEP FOUR - Ask with faith believing that your affirmation is manifesting as affirmed. Create your Master Affirmation, (Your Order to the Universe), saying exactly what you want. Be very specific. Now you know your order has been received and all you need do is wait for the delivery.

STEP FIVE - Creatively Visualize the manifestation of your request, bringing in your 5 physical senses See, Hear, Feel, Smell and Taste.

STEP SIX - Accept and receive in joy, anticipation and excitement. Take Delivery Now!

STEP SEVEN - Say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," and enjoy your creation.

Many Holiday Blessings everyone.
Love Dr. Anne Marie Evers


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