Dear Friends
Many of you have asked Dr. Anne Marie Evers to
share how she got started as a Radio/Internet Talk
Show Host . . . so here goes . . . complied
by Grace Darlene, Dr. Evers’ Personal Assistant
Dr. Evers was being interviewed by Nicole Whitney,
Founder and Host of News for the Soul, an online
positive news broadcast center, global community
and consciousness movement for like minds and
a live life-changing Talk Radio show airing in
during one of these shows that Nicole Whitney
officially named Anne Marie Evers as 'The
Affirmations Doctor.'
Those spontaneous words of Nicole Whitney years
must have sparked an ember in Anne Marie’s
mind, created a pathway of desire and actually
came true. She says, “Little did I know that years
later that statement would become an actual fact.”
After years of studying she received her Doctorate
of Divinity in July 2005!
Around the middle of 2006 when she was a guest on
one of Nicole's shows that she co-hosted at the time
with Greg Norman a fellow Radio/Internet Talk Show
Host from
air if she would like to host her own Radio Talk Show.
She was very surprised and asked him if they could
Talk about it off the air. He agreed and said he would
call her after the show. I remember her telling me that
she thought he is probably too busy to call and went
on with her day. A couple of hours later, Greg called
her and again asked her if I would like her own Radio
Talk Show. She had some time to think about it and
she remembered that she had hosted a series of radio
shows in
She also recalled how she had filled in as Host for
Nicole Whitney on a couple of occasions.
She had quite a few questions running through her
mind such as, “Do I need training to do that? What
would I talk about? How much time would I spend,
the cost and so on. Greg was very kind and patient
with her and said, he was certain she would do it just
fine; that the show would be once a week; she could
talk about her favourite subject (Affirmations) and he
said everything else would fall into place, which
it did.
Dr. Evers commented to me many times on how kind,
helpful and patient Greg was with her. She started by
Greg being her co-host and they talked about
Forgiveness; Spirituality; Thoughts; Mind Power;
Affirmations; Creative Visualization; Positive Thinking;
Random Acts of Kindness and much, much more.
with him. Then he suggested that she do some of the
shows by herself. She admitted that she was a little
reluctant and somewhat scared, but she thought to
herself, If I don’t do it now I will never do it, so she
agreed. The shows went extremely well and hosted
shows on 1320 A.M. WARL Radio out of with Sarah Simmons and
Then her friend and colleague Cameron Steele, owner of asked her if she would like to
do a show on the Power of Affirmations as Cameron and
her had worked together with successful Affirmations
over the years. She has now been hosting the Dr. Anne
Marie EversShow over soon
going into its 7th consecutive year.
From what Cameron Steels wrote in Dr.
Evers book, Affirmations Your Passport to
Happiness 7th edition 2007
"I have known Dr. Anne Marie Evers and for many years.
She has been and is a Talk Show Host on Her Talk Shows are uplifting,
informative and teach the power of the spoken word
through Affirmations. She gives her listeners Affirmation
Tools, Methods, Exercises and Sample Affirmations that
people can use to make their lives happier, healthier and
more fulfilled. I will say that it was her Affirmations
that assisted me in finding my wife and creating Contact
Talk Radio. Anyone who has a chance to get these
Affirmations TAKE IT and it will be the best decision
you can ever make." Cameron Steele, Program
Director/Owner, Contact Talk, Radio and Radio Talk
Radio Host at KKNW1150 AM Radio (
Gregory L. Norman of
"Dr. Evers and I have co-hosted many Radio Talk Shows
on the power of positive thinking, thoughts, mind power,
forgiveness, spirituality, relationships and much more.
She has been a Radio Talk Show Host with 1320 A.M.
Dr. Evers and I have created a three hour CD called
'Don't Die With Your Dreams Inside.' It is a great honour
and privilege to work with Dr. Evers. Our joint Affirmation
is to share the wonderful information and Affirmation Tools
to help people worldwide improve their lives.
Affirmations have helped me change my life.
Evers’ Affirmation Book and applying the principles has
created opportunities beyond my wildest dreams.
In my opinion, her Affirmations Book not only helped
me to have the things I desire, but also allowed me to
become a better person. Having the opportunity to work
with Dr. Evers, I have learned the most powerful prayer
on the planet. This prayer was given to me by Dr. Anne
Marie Evers and the prayer is ……
“Dear God – Thank you, thank you, thank you."
I now know that Affirmations work when love is applied
What Sarah Simmons of
“Dr. Anne Marie Evers and her Affirmations are like a glass
of spiritual inspiration that makes you whole every time you
hear her heart and affirm her work. She commands the power
of Affirmations because she knows the power behind
commands and belief. I love her Cards of Life and start my
day every day, choosing one as my morning inspiration."
Sarah Simmons, Program Director
Carole Matthews Show--Dr. Anne Marie Evers is
\a regular guest on the last Saturday of every
“During my years of hosting my online radio show, The
Messengerfiles, the Universe has sent me many interesting
people to interview and share with my listeners …. From
of the most uplifting people I have ever met or shared a
microphone with. Her quick wit, boundless energy and
total optimism is what is needed in today's world and
through her many books and words of integrity, she has
encouraged many people . . . including myself . . . to
believe in the power of Affirmations. I trust that through
this book and her many others, you also will learn that
Affirmations When Done Properly Work! THANK YOU,
T HANK YOU, THANK YOU Anne Marie and keep up
the good work!” Carole Matthews, Host of The Carole
Matthews Show and The Messengerfiles Radio Show
I am sitting in Dr. Evers office and thinking – WOW!
It really did all start by Greg Norman when he had the
belief and faith in Dr. Evers and her work, acted upon it
and set that whole process into motion. He did this by
asking a simple question (Would you Like to have your
own Radio Talk Show?) and I am certain that he at
the time was not aware of the wondrous and powerful
impact these Radio/Internet Shows, Books, etc. have had
and are having on so many thousands of people world
wide by teaching them the simple, yet very powerful
Affirmation Process. Many testimonials and reports of
miracles are being received constantly, all because of
the idea and action by one person—Greg Norman!
Now over 600+ Radio/Internet Talk Shows later and
more than 1/4 million subscribers, I find it amazing to
see how many people worldwide have been positively
affected and helped.
Do you think Affirmations Work? I certainly do and I
am a believer having many of my own Affirmations
manifest as affirmed and seeing and hearing first hand
of the miracles!
Grace Darlene
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