Saturday, December 29th, 2012
I am so delighted and honored to have Terry Cole-Whittaker as my special guest on the Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show, SATURDAY, December 29th, 2012 on @ 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
We will be talking about her book LIVE YOUR BLISS. This book is full of inspiration, ideas and practical advice designed to connect readers with their most authentic selves. Each chapter includes multiple practices and a prosperous mantra designed to discipline the mind and expand awareness about what is possible.
Live your Bliss--Practices that Produce Happiness and Prosperity (new World Library) world-renowned spiritual teacher and best-selling author Terry Cole-Whittaker promises that not only is it possible to live life in this way, it is our birthright to follow and fully embrace our personal bliss. She challenges us to recognize the messages we've absorbed-- from family, school, and culture-- about how we should be, and then to reclaim our true natures. In doing so, she says, we tap into our innate powers and begin living the life we were born to live. And, for Terry, it is all about bliss and pleasure, not about sets of rules and regulations.
Let's find out more about this incredible lady. She was the oldest in the family and grew up in Newport Beach CA. She has two grown daughters and two granddaughters. Terry was Home Coming Queen and Freshman Class President Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA. She graduated from the Ernest Holmes School of Ministry in 1973 and became ordained as a minister in 1975. She received 4 Honorary Doctoral degrees
In 1995 she was admitted to the Orange Coast College Hall of Fame as one of their top students and one of the most prominent alumni in the 50 history of the college and received a music scholarship.
She is an opera singer;
Shared in roles in plays and musicals in high school and college;
Involved in community volunteer work;
Has devoted over 50 years to the study of metaphysics and spiritual teachings;
Reading spiritual teachings of all religions and specific religious teachers including Jesus and the
Masters of The Far East;
Loves the study of Puranas, one of the 4 vedas;
Lived in India for 4 years studying with Sastri Haridas Maharaji Babaji, who is the world's leading Sanskrit authority, and has written over 85 books;
Enjoys being in nature and takes care of cows in India and enjoys taking care of them in person.
Has traveled extensively throughout the world;
Enjoy chanting mantras;
Third runner-up in the Mrs. America Pageant and Mrs. California in l968 competing with 50,000 other women in the U.S.A. (This was a homemaking contest at that time.)
Terry Cole-Whittaker is considered by many to be one of the premier motivational and inspirational speakers and teachers in the world. She was the CEO of her own corporation of 40 employees, 600 volunteers and 7 teaching centers throughout California. Her Emmy-winning weekly television ministry program was syndicated in over 400 markets in the US.A. Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Guam and reached millions. Her five bestselling books highlight the body of her work--'What You Think of Me is None of My Business,' a classic pioneering book on personal power and motivation, is still in print after 20 years. Her other books include 'How to Have More in a Have-Not world, Love and Power in a World Without Limits and Dare to Be Great.' She has appeared on over 800 television and radio programs, including Oprah, Larry King Live and Good Morning America and has been featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal and in Time, Newsweek, Family Circle and many other magazines and newspapers. Terry travels extensively giving seminars, retreats and key note address to both spiritual and entrepreneurial groups. She lives in Los Angeles, California. Her website is DATE Saturday, December 29, 2012TIME 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard TimeSHOW Dr. Anne Marie Evers ShowPLACE TOPIC Affirmations and much, much more. We will be talking about Terry's books and her latest book, LIVE YOUR BLISS.
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