Hello Friends
I would like to share some information about Bobby O'Neal, also known as Dr. Love's new book titled Dr. Love's Prescription for a Romantic Loving Man (it's not the little blue pill)
And I wanted to share with you the Foreword that I wrote in his book.
"This book is a 'real gem'-- a magical book of Love, Romance, Fulfillment and much more. Bobby O'Neal was not afraid to pray for help a few years ago when he felt his marriage was not as loving and fulfilling as he wished it to be. His prayer was answered by an inspiration to create a Relationship Game to help save his marriage and a game that would bring lots of love, laughter, improved communication and more romance to couples of all ages worldwide. Hence the birth of the board game Syncrohearts. It is now in its second release and just recently this wonderful game has also evolved into the Syncrohearts Love app on iTunes. These accomplishments led to the writing of this book and the sharing of his Prescription for a romantic, loving man.
This one-of-kind book encourages men in a fun way to discover and/or re-discover their romantic, loving nature and not be afraid to show their feelings, while being grateful to all those wonderful Life Teachers along the way. This information that he shares is very though-provoking and the author's words of wisdom resonate in every fiber of your being.
The author should be applauded for the honest and straightforward approach that he uses in this book, Dr. Love's Prescription for . . . . A Romantic, Loving Man. Somewhere along his journey he lovingly became known as Dr. Love and today he is that person!
Bobby has also enjoyed great media coverage for his Syncrohearts Game with two appearances on the Gemini Award Winning Reality Show the CBC Dragon's Den.
He shares his love story with an open heart. His stories and lessons in love will entertain and inspire you to open your heart and turn your love on. Be prepared to shed a few tears, enjoy some laughter and experience unconditional love!
He also brings in the important ingredients of affirming, Affirmations, focusing and visualization as well as the power of Prayer, The Law of Attraction and much more. This is not only a book for men--I would encourage every woman to read and study the wealth of information and material to help understand and appreciate self, spouse, significant other, family and marriage.
The perfect combination for archiving success is (a) Read this book; (b)Play the Sycrohearts Board Game; and (c) Do your Affirmations faithfully to find your way back to when you first met your Wife, Husband, Partner, or Lover and uncover and discover what attracted you to him or her in the first place. Now you have the perfect LOVE TOOL to ignite and/or re-ignite that spark using this powerful combination. This works whether you are just meeting that person, or are in a committed relationship. I am am very honoured and pleased to write this forward.
I am very fortunate and blessed to know Bobby O'Neal and his family personally. They are totally wonderful, and unique people who are living and loving their dream! Now it is time to live yours!
I love the Book and give it Ten Stars and my Affirmation Blessings!"
Dr. Anne Marie Evers
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