Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Experiencing Difficulty with the Little Word No!
Do you suffer from inability to say the two letter word, 'NO?' I believe it is your God-given right to say 'No' whenever you please. Do you go places, do things or visit people that you are not interested in because you are unable to say 'No?' Think of the person you are disappointing the most -- YOU! You are the only Decision-Maker in your Universe and the Captain of your Ship. Use the word 'No' whenever you choose not to do something or to go somewhere that is not in your best interest. Say 'Yes' only when you choose to do so. Be in control of your life. This is not a 'dress rehearsal' folks it is the real thing. Live in the Now!

One of my friends recently shared this important information with me. She said, "Anne Marie the word 'No' is a complete sentence! You do not have to explain the reasons behind that word!" So many times when I do say 'No' I go into great detail explaining why I said No! WOW, this frees me up from having to make excuses! Thank you, thank you, thank you Lina!
Much love and Affirmation Blessings to everyone!
Sample Master Affirmation for saying 'No'
"I, (your name) deserve to be able to and NOW say 'No' whenever I choose. I realize the wondrous power is within me and it is my God-given right. I can and do say 'No' whenever I choose. I have faith in myself to make the right choices and I choose wisely. I call upon the great power within whenever I choose. I am creating my own reality now. I enjoy being guilt-free and filled with love and respect for myself, my opinions and my Divine Right to say 'No!' and I use this Divine Right to the good of all parties concerned, which of course includes me. I am peaceful and happy to the good of all parties concerned, Thank you, thank you, thank you."
I fully accept
Signed  ____________________________   Dated
When you date and sign this Master Affirmation, you have made a firm and binding contract with God/Creator, Universal Mind, Higher Power, Higher Self or whomever you believe in.


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