All relationships are instrument for growth and with growth, come problems. Attract that special relationship is similar to putting a jigsaw puzzle together. Problems are only a piece of the larger puzzle. You may need to find solutions to each part of it. Even the smallest piece of the puzzle is Important and, if it is missing the whole puzzle is incomplete. When you are working on solving the whole puzzle this often involves other people and situations.
Successful, loving, happy relationships do not just happen, they take loving kindness, work and respect. Everything in life involves relationships. You are in relationships with yourself, everyone and everything. But the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. A great two-person relationship can enhance your life but it cannot make it complete on its own. Any unresolved emotional issues will need to be dealt with before you are ready to engage in a healthy, balanced and loving relationship with another.
If you are looking for a love partner of out need ---for example, because you are lonely or have a fear of living alone-- it is important to first focus on healing yourself rather than searching for someone to fill that need. Everyone has basic needs for food, clothing, shelter and such needs can only be filled by you. If is not, your relationships will be unhealthy, unfulfilling and probably short lived. A needy love is a false love. To overcome and heal such needs do a Master Affirmation to enforce loving, respecting and accepting yourself!
Differences of opinion are a normal part of any relationship. Everyone thinks differently and there are always opposing views. There is no right or wrong view, only the chosen view. It is important to openly discuss any issues of concern with your partner, and to own, take responsibility for, release and heal any personal wounds that you may have prior to entering into a marriage or relationship. Consider how much effort and work you are prepared to put into your Affirmation Program. Affirmations are powerful tools for helping you retrain the mind and deal with all aspects of relationships.
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