Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Teaching your children to use the power of Affirmations at a young age is one of the best gifts you can ever give them. Although we start life with simple childlike faith, we become programmed by limited, negative thinking. By making positive, affirming statements to your children, you program them in a positive way, enhancing their self-esteem and their faith in themselves. Start encouraging your young children to may positive choices and decisions. For example allow them to decide what dress or shirt to wear. When they get older, they will have the decision-making frame-work in place to make big and important decisions.

Teach your children to watch their thoughts, words, actions and manners and use positive Affirmations to help them love and respect self and others. Affirmations of unconditional love go right to the core of the children and they thrive on words of encouragement about how smart they are and what good marks they get on their report cards.

Listen with both ears to what your children are saying. Keep an open line of communication with them.

Happy Affirming
Dr. Anne Marie Evers


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dating on the Internet or finding love in Cyberspace can be exciting, inviting and instant. We live in a society that requires and wants everything immediately --- instantly. We have fast food restaurants, drive-through bank tellers, instant credit, instant potatoes, instant coffee, numerous other things and now instant love!

The Internet provides an instant manner of communication by the click of a mouse on a keyboard you can be instantly connected to people all over the world, thanks to our modern technology. Internet dating is another way of meeting people. As with everything there are pros and cons to Internet/Cyberspace love connections. It is similar to dating clubs, organizations, singles dances, cruises and other ways that connect singles with other singles.

The Internet is another source of meeting new and interesting people. It is also one of the tools to use to meet that special someone with which to have a long-term happy relationship or marriage.

Internet dating can be fun, exciting and scary ALL at the same time! There are many levels of excitement and we all react in various ways. While it is good to move out of the 'Sleeping Car of the Relationship Train,' it s also wise to use balance and common sense.

People may have a fantastic relationship over the telephone or by email but could be sorely disappointed when they meet in person and get to know one another. Some people may not be honest about their age, appearance, employment, intentions or marital status. It is as much taking a risk and moving out of your comfort zone as meeting people anywhere through newspaper ads, friends, acquaintances, dating services or place of employment. It is easier to access meeting people over the Internet than by some other methods.

Internet Dating provides a little different angle on meeting people. Some of us are trained to love through our eyes -- by what we see, not from our hearts.

One lady had a fantastic relationshipby email and lengthy telephone conversations and when she met the gentleman she could not get past the fact that he was, in her opinon, grossly overwieight. In his email he said he was a little big. She said, their minds had fallen desperately in love, but their bodies did not cooperate. The relationship fizzed out. Sometimes I think about those two minds in love, floating and travelling in space. . . . . .

Donald met Rhoda on the Internet Chat Line. They carried on a long distance romance. Finally they met and have since moved in together. They found happiness though cyberspace.

Please let me know how Cyberspace Dating Works for you!

Blessings And Happy Affirming
Dr. Anne Marie Evers


I neglected to add the radio station that the shows are heard over L I V E is KLAB 1230 A.M.
in Las Vegas.


Exciting News!

I am NOW the Talk Show Radio Host of 'Talk of The Town,' on Mondays from 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Pacific Standard time.

It is heard L I V E over Radio Station KLAB 1230 AM and
L I V E over Studio S.

I am very excited about this and hope you will join me.


Monday, September 21, 2009

The Magic of Relationships

You may ask --

"Why am I having so much trouble finding that special soul mate, partner, lover or spouse?
Love is so natural, right, good and basic.
Why is it so difficult to find?
Why am I not in that perfect relationship/marriage for me?
Will I ever meet Mr. or Mrs.Right?

Are there still responsible, single, unattached and caring individuals in the world?
How can I attract that special person to me now?
How long will it take?"
These are questions and more are asked frequently.

Congratulations! You have hit the Relationship Creation Jackpot! The answer is you need a Blueprint . . . a simple HOW To Instructional Guide to attract and keep that special life partner.

Your Blueprint IS your Master Affirmation using the Personal Contract Affirmation Method taken from my books.

This is where you create your Master Affirmation, (you only need do this ONCE -- sort of like creating your Last Will and Testament). Write it out properly using the 3 P's (personal, positive and present tense), saying exactly what type of person you desire, adding the Safety Clause --'to the good of all parties concerned,' saying thank you three times. Then you write these words -- "I fully accept this person into my life now."

End your Blueprint (Master Affirmation) by signing and dating it.

Now you have created a firm and binding contract with Your Higher Self, God/Creator, Universal Mind or whomever you believe in.

HINT - To make it happen even quicker place a picture or sketch of the type of man or woman that you desire at the top of your Master Affirmation. This picture gives your subconscious mind something upon which to focus.

Affirmations When Properly Done Always Work! You can read all about Relationships, Love and much more in my ebook Affirmations Your Passport to Lasting, Loving Relationships on my website

Happy Relationship Affirming

Dr. Anne Marie Evers