Dating on the Internet or finding love in Cyberspace can b
e exciting, inviting and
instant. We live in a society that
requires and wants everything immediately --- instantly. We have
fast food
restaurants, drive-through bank
tellers, instant credit,
instant potatoes, instant
numerous other things and now
instant love!
Internet provides an instant manner of
communication by the click of
a mouse on a keyboard you can be
instantly connected to
people all over the world, thanks to our modern technology. Internet dating is
another way of meeting people. As with
everything there are
pros and cons to Internet/Cyberspace
love connections. It is similar to dating clubs, organizations, singles
cruises and
other ways that connect singles with other singles.
Internet is another
source of meeting new
and interesting people. It is
also one of the tools to use to
meet that special someone
with which to have a long-term happy
relationship or
Internet dating can be fun, exciting and scary ALL
at the same
time! There are many
levels of excitement and we all
react in various ways. While it is
good to move out of the 'Sleeping Car of the Relationship Train,' it s also wise to use balance and
common sense.
People may have a fantastic
relationship over the telephone or by email but
could be sorely
disappointed when they meet in person and
get to know one another. Some
people may not be
honest about their age, appearance, employment,
intentions or marital status. It is as much taking a risk and moving out of your comfort zone as
meeting people anywhere through newspaper ads, friends,
dating services or place of employment. I
t is easier to access meeting
people over the Internet than by some other methods.
Internet Dating p
rovides a
little different angle on
meeting people. Some of us are trained to love
through our eyes -- by what we see, not
from our hearts.
One lady had a
fantastic relationshipby email and lengthy
telephone conversations and when she met the gentleman she
could not get past the
fact that he was, in her
grossly overwieight. In his
email he said he was a little big. She said, their minds had fallen desperately in love, but
their bodies did not cooperate. The
relationship fizzed out.
Sometimes I
think about those two minds in love, floating and travelling in space. . . . . .
Donald met Rhoda on the Internet Chat Line. They
carried on a long distance romance. Finally they met and have since moved in
together. They found
happiness though
Please let me know how Cyberspace Dating Works for you!
Blessings And Happy Affirming
Dr. Anne Marie Evers