Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Saturday, February 23, 2013


By Dr. Anne Marie Evers  copyright 2013

 The Affirmation Light Bulb: For Self
You may wish to do your Personal Contract Affirmation Method in a special place, such as a garden, meadow, tree house, arbour, or anywhere you feel comfortable and at peace. I enjoy doing my Affirmation Program in my own mental Affirmation “Light Bulb,” which helps make my Affirmations more focused and powerful.

My Angel Chapel
My own, personal Light Bulb is my Angel Chapel in my backyard. It sits three people and has numerous Angels. To find out more about this Angel Chapel please visit

To create this sacred place for you to run and hide from the world, visualize a huge, giant light bulb in front of you. Make it large enough to step inside. It is complete with door and handle. Open the glass door and go inside. You can see through it in all directions. Just inside the door, there is a panel of push buttons.

When you are working on the relationship Master Affirmation, press the pink button. For a career, press the green button and for healing, press the blue button. The color you select will then fill your Affirmation light bulb, penetrating the atmosphere and enabling you to breathe in the power of that specific colour.

Imagine putting your Affirmation in a soft, golden cloud and letting it float up and out the large fresh air vent at the top of the Affirmation light bulb. Release it with loving kindness and detachment into the Universe, to manifest as desired. Now mentally harden the material around the bulb so that no one can come in or see you. You are free to come and in and out at will.

Bring in the five senses
See a huge wicker chair, covered with large coloured pillows in gorgeous pastel colors.
Hear soothing music. Sit down in the chair and feel your body sink into deep relaxation.
Smell the sweet fragrance of roses.
Pop a tasty mint into your mouth to complete the experience of the five senses.

I use this valuable exercise for a positive pick-me-up whenever I begin to feel discouraged or disheartened. I also sit, meditate, and ask for new, fresh ideas. When you do your Affirmation Program in this wonderful space, it helps solidify, clarify, and empower your Affirmations.

You can also imagine yourself within the Affirmation light bulb when you are in the company of negative people or circumstances. Create your very own peaceful place. It is a good idea to keep your own individual light-bulb space just for you. This is your secret place. Create whatever you desire. Make it special, unique, and completely safe. Allow your imagination and creative visualization abilities to run wild! Use it when required, but refrain from using it to avoid people who really do need your help and support.

The Affirmation Light Bulb: For Relationship/Marriage
Invite your partner to participate in this exercise, making a private space together. This can be very romantic, exciting, and fulfilling.

One couple who made their own mental Marriage Affirmation Light Bulb swears it saved their marriage. They used it as a safe and sacred place in which to settle disagreements, make love, and talk openly about their feelings. They had a place to run away to, even if it was only in their minds.

The whole procedure was very real to them. They incorporated creative visualization, imagination, and reality. Now that they are in a better financial position, they do the same exercise on the physical plane, joking that their expensive hotel room is their very own mental Marriage Affirmation Light Bulb.

The Affirmation Light Bulb: For Family
Have fun! You can invite your whole family to participate in the Mental Family Affirmation Light Bulb exercise, making it an exciting learning experience for everyone. Allow each person to provide input and ideas so everyone feels involved. This is a very powerful exercise for families, helping them to communicate and interact more effectively and lovingly.
The family that affirms, visualizes, and creates together, stays together.

                               Affirmations When Properly Done Always Work!
                                     KIDS AFFIRMATION CLUB
                                  The Affirmation Light Bulb: For Family
Have fun with this Kids Affirmation Light bulb. You may wish to do your thinking about respect and getting new ideas in a special place, such as a garden, meadow, tree house, arbour, or anywhere you feel comfortable. Remember that thoughts become things.

Say together, “We enjoy doing our Affirmations in our own mental Affirmation “Light Bulb,” which helps make our Affirmations more focused and powerful. We enjoy respecting ourselves and all others.” Also think about the PST x 3
(a) Positive self-thought;
(b) Positive self-talk;
(c) Positive street-talk

.  . . And we use this process to help us.

All Club Members visualize, (see in their mind’s eye), a huge, giant light bulb in front of them. Make it large enough for all Club Members to step inside. The Club President goes in and invites all Club Members to join him or her.

 It is complete with door and handle. The Club Members can see through it in all directions. Just inside the door, there is a panel of push buttons.

Push the color that you like and then that colour fills your Club Affirmation Light Bulb, penetrating the atmosphere and enabling you to breathe in the power of that specific colour. Agree as a club that you will do your part by helping and respecting Mother Earth by picking up litter, etc.

Imagine putting your Club Affirmation in green cloud and letting it float up and out the large fresh air vent at the top of your Club Affirmation Light Bulb. Release it. Love, respect and approve of yourself.

Have fun! Make it an exciting learning experience for Club Members. Allow each person to provide input and ideas so everyone feels involved. This is a very powerful exercise for Club Members, helping them to communicate and interact more effectively and lovingly. The Affirmation Club that affirms, visualizes, and creates together stays together.

Dear Dr. Evers
Just wanted to let you know how much fun we had and are having with the Light Bulb Affirmation Tool that you shared with us on one of your radio shows. We decided to do it for our family–that is my husband Dan and I and our two twin boys Bobby and Tommy. They are almost 10 years old. First of all we had a family meeting and decided who was going to do what. We created this strange looking Light Bulb in our backyard. It was made from canvas, cardboard and other materials. We found a bunch of old colored Christmas lights and put them on a board to make a light panel. Then we took some folding chairs, mats and bottles of water and we all went into the Affirmation Light Bulb. We laughed as we all looked so ridiculous but we were having so much fun as a family.

Then Bobby said to his brother Tommy, “What button do you think we should push?” Tommy replied, “Let’s push the green one for GO.” So they did and we all visualized a beautiful color green filing our Family Affirmation Light Bulb. We then created and repeated a family Master Affirmation to keep our planet green. Then I said, “Boys what about the color pink for love?” They all agreed and then we did that one and we made it up as we went. We also did a Master Affirmation for Love and Peace in the world. Talk about fun and excitement! We use this Affirmation Tool at least once a week or whenever we feel the need to do some family bonding. We are discovering new ways to use our Affirmation Light Bulb and we will keep you informed.

Great for building a sound family foundation. Way to do doctor! We love you! Sibella, Wade, Bobby and Tommy, a united and happy family from Spokane, WA
The Affirmation Light Bulb: Think Affirmation Club
The Think Affirmation Club was taught to some kids in North Vancouver, BC Canada by Dr. Anne Marie Evers

We cut out a place to stick our heads through from a large piece of cardboard. Around the edges of the Light Bulb we wrote things that the kids were thankful for such as wonderful parents, family members, health, nice home, friends, etc. Then we wrote the material things we were thankful for such as computer, nice clothes to wear, family car to get them from place to place, cell phone, etc. When the kids felt discouraged they grabbed these cardboard cut-out and stuck their heads through it and then sat for a few minutes thinking about all the things they were thankful for. . . .  all the good things in their lives. Then they put it down and went on with their day feeling energized, happy and excited about life!
To find out more about the Affirmation Light Bulb, Personal, Marriage, Family & Kids Club, please email Dr. Anne Marie Evers @
                                          Affirmations When Properly Done Always Work!

Friday, February 22, 2013

SATURDAY, Feb 23, 2013


Intuitive Medium/psychic, Radio/Internet Talk Show Host and much more. She is a regular on my show on the last Saturday of each month. We will be talking about the wondrous power of doing properly done Affirmations and how you, too, can affirm and manifest your dreams!
As usual Carole Matthews will be taking your calls and answering your questions from loved ones who have crossed over.
To Speak with Carole Matthews personally please call -in to our
Toll Free Call Number 1-877-230-3062

TIME 1    2:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
SHOW     The Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show
 HOST      Dr. Anne Marie Evers