Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday, September 15th, 2012 my special guest
on the Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show from 12:00 noon
1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on is Thomas J. Moore.

He is is a Medical Intuitive and Multidimensional
Healer. His intuitive guidance pinpoints directly to
the cause of physical, emotional and energetic aliments
or symptoms. He brings clarity to what is happening
for you, your body and how this correlates to your life,
and guides you in bringing yourself back into alignment
and balance. To assist the body to a better state of well
being, he will suggest natural remedies for you and
guidance with respect to your life’s direction as well
as facilitate healing work while in session.

Rita Britnell is an Emotional and Multidimensional Healer. 
She has the gift of feeling and moving emotional energy
that is ready to be released. These blocks prevent us from
living a healthy loving life, and impact not only our
emotional body, but also our physical body. Rita embodies
the Goddess Energy and assists in helping both men and
women in realign into their true God/Goddess Nature. She
now facilitates the Awaken to your Goddess Nature Group
Series at Harmony Healing Centre.

Together, they form an incredible team as life partners
modeling for those desiring to have a healthy loving
relationship as well as a great healing team bringing forth
all aspects necessary for healing and balance.

Sunday, September 09, 2012


My Guest on this series of Show is Rev.
Wendy Yacboski, who is a spiritual Coach,
International Motivational Speaker, Minister,
Wedding Coordinator & much more.

                     *          *         *

TIME      12:00 NOON-1:00 pm PST
                 (EVERY Saturday) L I V E
SHOW    Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show
GUEST   Rev. Wendy Yacboski
HOST     Dr. Anne Marie Evers

1st Saturday of EVERY MONTH
as follows:

We will be exploring and discussing the power of
Master Affirmations & Short Form Affirmations
(some refer to thesewords as Switch words, because
theyturn on the switch in your mind).

As well we will be sharing Affirmation Tools, Sample
Affirmations that cover many different areas of self-
growth and improvement. Also included is Random
Acts of Kindness, Attracting and keeping strong, lasting,
loving Relationships, abundant health, perfect, lasting,
successful careers, abundance of money and in every
part of your life, peace of mind and much more.

The 5 Building Blocks upon my
Affirmation Program is Built---

1. Forgiveness
2. Thoughts
3.  Mind Power
4.  Affirmations
5.  CreativeVisualization.

We will also be talking about the very powerful
Affirmation Tools, exactly how to do a Master Affirmation
that really, really works and the popular

Personal Contract Affirmation Method
of doing Affirmations. Let's get  started!

SATURDAY September 8th, 2012
(To hear this show, please so to the Archived shows

All About Affirmations -
What they are
How they Work and especially
How they Work for YOU!

Exploring and discussing the 1st Building Block of my
Affirmation Program - F O R G I V E N E S S

SATURDAY, October 6th, 2012
Brief Review of the 5 W's (What, Where, Why, Who &
Why) of my Affirmation Program!

We will be exploring and discussing the 2nd Building Block,

SATURDAY, November 3rd, 2012
Brief Review of Affirmations and how they work!

We will be exploring and discussing the 3rd Building Block,
which is MIND POWER

SATURDAY,  December 1st, 2012
Brief Review of Affirmation and how they work!

We will be exploring and discussing the 4th and 5th
Building Blocks, which are --


                   *                 *                  *
H A P P Y   N E W   Y E A R 

               2     0     1     3 !!

*Our New Year's  Gift to Y  O  U !!

SATURDAY, January 5th, 2013

Brief Review of Affirmations and how they work!

*Here we start the New Year 2013 learning exactly
how to put Your Order into the Universe, which simple
process has and is being proven to work over and over.

We will be exploring and discussing 'the popular'


of doing Affirmations which is your firm and binding
Contract with Your Higher Self, God/Creator, Universal
Mind or whomever you believe in!

Create your Personal Affirmation with enthusiasm, excitement,
faith and belief, saying exactly what you desire, and then reap
the glorious results!

We support you!