Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Friday, June 05, 2015

I, (your name) deserve  and now attract in excess of $_______ (net or gross) into my life. I am safe and protected. The world teems with my riches and treasures. I enjoy and use my share of power, money and possessions to the good of all. I project my ideas in a radiant stream of mental and physical energy that magnetizes and attract me money, influential friends, great opportunities, happiness, health, self-confidence and peace of mind. I create levels of abundance in my life. Money and success now flow to me in waves of prosperity. I use this wealth wisely and constructively to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I fully accept
Signed ________________________________              Dated ___________________

When you date and sign this Master Affirmation you have made a firm and binding contract with God/Creator, Universal Mind, Your Higher Self or whomever you believe in.

Short Form Affirmation
Great wealth, is mine now!

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

SHOW           Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show
DATE             Saturday, June 6, 2015
TIME             12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
Dana Smithers of Empowered Women In Business is a Certified Law of Attraction Trainer and Certified Sacred Gifts Guide. Her mission is to educate, inspire and empower women entrepreneurs. She is passionate about helping women discover their passion to create successful, fulfilling businesses while serving others. She teaches women how to ‘deliberately attract’ using the Law of Attraction in her coaching and Mastermind programs. She says “Our mind is such a powerful tool that only we can empower ourselves through our thoughts and they are either negative or positive. We also have the power to change our situation by changing our thoughts”.

When teaching about ‘affirmations’ using the Law of Attraction there are a few specific principles that need to be applied for an affirmation to work. Most importantly you need to believe what you want to affirm as being true for you, is possible. While words are key in manifesting what you want, how you ‘feel’ about what you say is more important. With the Law of Attraction we like to use the phrase ‘I am in the process of….’ And then fill in the blanks the way you would do for any affirmation.

You can receive her FREE ebook ‘The POWER of Your WORDS’ by going to

Please join us.
Dr. Anne Marie Evers


Sunday, May 31, 2015


I, (your name) deserve and now am very wealthy. I have supreme power and wisdom. Money flows to me in avenues of abundance. Money is my friend I respect it and it respects me. I write thank you three times on all my bills and invoices when pay them. I know that having money relieves stress. It gives me freedom to pay all my bills and obligations. I have plenty of money left over to use as I see fit. I now pursue my life long dream. I believe in myself and my ability to make money. Money gives me financial security and enables me to help others. I freely circulate my wealth. I am happy, healthy, safe and wealthy to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you thank you, thank you.

Signed __________________   Dated  __________


Happiness is not a destination, it is a journey with stops of interest along the way. It is a state of consciousness, or an awareness that is not dependent on outside people, places, circumstances or events. Happiness comes from within you. If you are unhappy and good things happen to you, you may be viewing these blessings with murky, dirty and negative glasses. You may therefore not recognize them and miss out on the wonderful blessings. Raise your consciousness  and you attract good things to you. Be conscious of your blessings; the ones you have received; the ones you are receiving; and the ones that you are about to receive. Concentrate on the good things in your life. It is your birthright to be healthy, happy and prosperous. Claim it today!

Happiness is surrendering to what is so and living in the now--the only moment you have. Make happiness your daily habit, looking  on the bright side, living your faith and involving yourself in harmonious actions and interactions with self and others. Happiness appears when the mind is at peace and ceases its search for it. True happiness must come from within .Certainly outer  conditions and people can contribute to your happiness, but the mere possession of wealth, luxuries or having a wonderful spouse/partner does not ensure happiness. Many unhappy people are rich in material things and many less fortunate are extremely happy. Happiness comes from forgiving, releasing negativity and loving, accepting and approving of self.

Try smiling at everyone you meet and make note of how many people smile back at you. Make a habit of spreading sunshine wherever you go.

Short Form Affirmation:  I am happy, confident, balanced and live in the Now! 

S  - Simple
M - Message
I    - I
L  -  Love
-  Everyone