I, (your name) deserve and now attract in excess of $_______ (net or gross) into my life. I am safe and protected. The world teems with my riches and treasures. I enjoy and use my share of power, money and possessions to the good of all. I project my ideas in a radiant stream of mental and physical energy that magnetizes and attract me money, influential friends, great opportunities, happiness, health, self-confidence and peace of mind. I create levels of abundance in my life. Money and success now flow to me in waves of prosperity. I use this wealth wisely and constructively to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I fully accept
Signed ________________________________ Dated ___________________
When you date and sign this Master Affirmation you have made a firm and binding contract with God/Creator, Universal Mind, Your Higher Self or whomever you believe in.
Short Form Affirmation
Great wealth, is mine now!