Magnetism - What is it?
Some scientists believe this magnetism is created in your
body cells, which are capable and just waiting to be magnetized
by your positive thoughts, feelings and actions. It
was placed there on the day you were born or even as you
were forming in your mother’s womb.
The method of creating magnetism is accomplished through
positive thinking, feelings and actions. These positive
thoughts magnetize similar thoughts and thought forms
to you. If thought is concentrated and magnified on an
image held in the mind, it has the power to produce instantly
what it affirms.
The Magic Magnetic Circle is your personal aura, extending
several feet on all sides of your body. It is your very
own kingdom over which you have complete control.
The human body is said to be composed of molecules in
motion, many chemicals and water. This aura surrounds
each strand of hair, mole or whisker. Every aura is different
just as every fingerprint and snowflake is different and
Magnetism is the mysterious cosmic power that works
through the Law of Attraction that holds the earth, sun,
moon, stars and the whole solar system in space. Magnetism
holds billions of planets in space that rotate in their
spheres without ever going off course.
The Money Winning Combination
Consciously release this powerful magnetism into your
blood stream, being, body and aura. Just the thought of
inviting the Higher Power into your life starts the process
of magnetically re-arranging your day and whole life into
a wondrous, incredulous, spiritual experience.
In this process you do your affirmations as previously set
out and add the power of the Magic Magnetic Circle to
your personal magnetism..
Before you start any method, say to yourself, “I am safe.
Feel the ground under your feet. Place your right hand on
your heart and your left hand on top of it. Then say,
“Soothe, safe, settle.” Now you are ready to begin.
‘Big Money to Me Now’
Write at the top of a page “Big money to me now” then
write the abbreviation b$tmn x 77 times every day. It is
important to speak it out loud when you are jotting down
the abbreviation as this firms up your intention. Your
subconscious mind reads the sentence at the top of the page
and takes in every detail and stores it for all time.
Do not scatter your thoughts. Focus and concentrate on
your goals, desires and affirmations.
When you hold a magnifying glass steadily over a piece of
newspaper if the sun’s rays are strong enough it will burn.
However, if you move the magnifying glass around you are
scattering the sun’s energy and it will not burn. It requires
a focused, concentrated effort. Channel the cosmic powerof the Universe in dynamic lines of force and energy within
your body. Activate your brain with knowledge. You are
building and creating power magnetism within you when
you are studying, focusing and using this wondrous power
in a positive manner.
‘Big Money To Me Now’
1. Stand up with your
arms outstretched at shoulder
height and pull them as far as you can towards the
center of your back saying: “Big”
Bring your hands forward and with your
right hand draw a huge imaginary $ sign in the
air saying: “Money”
both hands parallel make two downward lines to
complete the dollar sign.
Now say “To me now” as you tap your heart area with
right hand twice
hands cupped in the prayer position bow three
times first to the left, the middle and then the right
saying: “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Multi-Millie told me that when she does her ‘Big Money
$$$ To Me Now,’ exercise with her mind’s eye she visualizes
(a) in a bathing suit
(b) smearing honey all over her body
(c) rolling in money so that it sticks to her.
That way, she says: “I attract and keep money in my life.”
Cynthia Writes
“Dear Anne Marie, since doing the ‘Big Money To Me Now’
Method, my business has doubled! You really have tapped
into something magical with your wonderful money
method. Thank you for sharing your incredible insight and
Joyce’s Letter
“Anne Marie, I just had to write and tell you my story
using your ‘Big Money to Me Now’ Method.
I am a student who was desperately in need of money for
university. After a friend shared your ‘Big"Money $$$ to
Me Now’ Method with me, I wrote the abbreviation, (b$tmn)
77 times. Also every day I wrote thank you 3 times on it
and signed my name.
I found $200 cash in an envelope. Then my grandmother,
who we all thought was struggling financially, sent me a
check for $5,000. with a note saying, “For your education.”
It was such a surprise and shock. I closed my eyes and
silently said, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
This information is copyrighted and is taken from the book,
AffirmationsYour Passport to Prosperity/Money by Dr. Anne
Marie Evers