DATE Saturday, December 20th, 2014
TIME 12 noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
PLACE http://contacttalkradio.com
Gina Vucci has been personally mentored and trained by Shakti Gawain and conducts leading workshops and facilitates groups based on Shakti's work for the past fourteen years. Shakti Gawain is a best-selling author and a pioneer in the field of personal growth and consciousness. Along with Marc Allen, Gawain co-founded New World Library in 1977.
The relationships in our lives ---whether with romantic partners, co-workers, family or friends are often our greatest source of both comfort and frustration. The Relationship Handbook (A Path to Consciousness, Healing and Growth (New World Library November 1st, 2014 ) which is Gawain's first book in nearly fifteen years. In this book beloved best-selling author Shakti Gawain and her co-teacher for many years Gina Vucci show how they also have potential to be our greatest teachers.
We will be discussing 'The Relationship Handbook' by Shakti Gawain and Gina Vucci and sharing valuable and interesting information. See you there