Two Ways to Cope with Worrying
Hourglass Exercise
If you don’t already have an hourglass, purchase one and put it on the table or on your desk, where you can easily see it. If you become overwhelmed with worry or anxiety, turn the hourglass upside down and sit and watch as the grains of sand slowly pass through the narrow neck of the hourglass. If tried to push too many grains of sand through at the same time, they clog up and none would get through—or the glass would break. I liken this my life. When I feel very anxious, I just think about that hourglass and I one thing at a time, concentrating and focusing on it until it’s done. Then I
go on to the next one. If I attempt to do several tasks at the same time, I get overwhelmed and nothing gets done. This is a very simple yet powerful exercise that will help you to pace yourself in a healthy way and avoid overextending or stressing yourself.
Worry Drawer Exercise
Make a list of everything you are worried or stressed about, being very specific.Date and sign it and then place it in a drawer. After a few months, take it out and look at it. You will realize that 90% of what you worried about never happened and the 10% that did happen was not at all affected by your worry. Worrying is a waste of precious energy that could be put to much better such as doing your affirmations and focusing on positive solutions.So why worry?
Many Affirmation Blessings
Dr. Anne Marie
P.S. I have completely resigned from being President of the Worry Club of the Universe!
How about you?