My special guest is John P. Schuster.
He is author of 4 books and most recently the book -- The Power of Your Past: The Art of Recalling, Reclaiming and Recasting Your Past to Become a Better Leader. He is on the faculty for Coaching Certification Programs at Columbia University and the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara. Also he is Coach in residence with Merryck and Co. the largest CEO mentoring firm in the world. He was been voted 'Trainer of the Year.' by the Kansas City chapter of the American Society of Training and Development and was a chairman for Vistage, a Peer-Learning Group for CEO's in both Kansas City and Cincinnati.
TIME: 12:00 NOON-1:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
PLACE: and heard LIVE over KRWM 106.9 FM HD-3,Seattle, WA
SHOW: The Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show
DATE: Saturday, May 7, 2011
SUBJECT -Affirmations, Positive Thinking and Much more and we will be discussing a very well-kept secret. The one that most effective people and leaders know. WHY?
Answer - Because they have a great relationship with their past. Most people have hardly even considered how important this is. This is a cultural blind spot of major proportions that we can do something about!
Dr. Anne Marie