About Affirmations Movement
Hello, thank you for visiting Affirmations Movement.
This site is intended to spread the word and power of Affirmations as far as the Web will take it. Hence the name, Affirmations MOVEMENT. This site at the moment a solo operation (though I speculate through the community it can/will build, it will be much more than that in the future).
It is run by myself (Cijaye DePradine), but inspired by one of the most powerful authors in the Affirmations Universe (IMHO) – Anne Marie Evers. I do consider Anne Marie a personal friend, not only because she has so much to offer through her amazing products and services…but also because we have engaged in several one to one conversations about the incredible power of Affirmations …and what I learned from her is invaluable.
Anne Marie’s knowledge does not stop here though, Anne Marie taught me a great deal about MANY “mind matters”. She inspired me how to truly take inventory of what I thought subconsciously as well as consciously (which is NOT an easy task). And she taught me how to reach out to higher sources of power than man can ever imagine so that I could succeed at my quest to make significant life changes. As a result my life has undoubtably changed for the better.
Her Angel Letters (for example) have impacted my life in ways that could only be explained as miraculous.
You can learn more about Anne Marie through any one (or all) of her sites below:
www.annemarieevers.com www.affirmationtoolbox.com www.annemariesangelchapel.com www.cardsoflife.com
Should Anne or anyone she knows stumble upon this site, I wish to extend a TRUE, HEARTFELT ….THANK YOU to her! Thank you Anne Marie, from the bottom of my heart. You are one of the most inspiring people in my life and I will never forget you. I dedicate this website to you!!! I hope that you are well every day!
Now, having taken affirmations and mind matters to the next level, I can honestly say that I have been impacted far too much on a daily basis by the manifestations of my own thoughts (negative and positive) that I MUST SHARE this power. I feel that it is a duty. I cannot explain it any other way.
Perhaps what makes me different, is that not only do I practice (now subconsciously) these skills and set lifes consequences in motion, but I also have the UNIQUE skill to recognize exactly how it all happened (I can retrace my thoughts (cause) and connect it to every moment that occured thereafter (effect)). From my outstanding children and great marriage to my online business successes, and those successes of my clients as well… I do consider myself somewhat of ROLE MODEL on CREATING THE LIFE YOU LIVE!
I hope that you find the information on this site helpful as you pursue your journey to do the same!
Sincerely, Cijaye.

One Response to “About Affirmations Movement”
Since Cijaye wrote this information we have connected personally and have decided that we will take Affirmation MOVEMENT to the next level and send it worldwide and invite people all over the planet to join in with us. It is our intent to build a powerful Affirmation Community which will serve all people. We are very excited to share this information with everyone! Should you wish more information about this incredible Affirmations Community, please email me at annemarieevers@shaw.ca
Many Affirmation Blessings to you and yours!