Anger is a negative emotion that can cause all type of health problems. It is a deadly toxin in the body. Your body will be a lot healthier if you can learn to recognize anger, become aware of it and then release it and let it go completely. Anger could be an ;internal; boil or prompter from negative people, situations or circumstances from your past. We all enter this life with agendas, filled with things to experience. Refrain from becoming involved in another person's anger. Use Affirmations to help you deal with this dangerous emotion in healthy positive way. When you put a 'D' in front of anger you get DANGER!
I, (your name) deserve to be and now am in full control of my feelings and emotions. I am balanced and happy. When I become angry I find natural ways to vent my feelings. I am safe. I trust and believe in myself and others. I live and let live. I enjoy being in control of my life. I am peaceful and happy to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I fully accept
Signed ____________________________________ Dated _____________________
When you date and sign this Master Affirmation you have made a firm and binding contract with God/Creator, Universal Mind, Higher Power of whomever you believe in.
I am balanced, and in control of my emotions. I am safe and peaceful.