1st Building Block of the Affirmation Program that I teach is Forgiveness.
Forgiveness is very powerful. When you forgive your energy changes the physical structure of your cells and DNA. When you are embroiled in guilt, shame or depression you close down the energy systems of your body. All types of negative problems can and do erupt. Forgiveness is a process of untangling mental and emotional parts of your being. If you have become tangled up in the negative energy of another person or situation and need to forgive, keep reading and you will learn how. You will read about simple, effective exercises to achieve forgiveness and peace of mind.You will also learn how to use the power of forgiveness to heal yourself and get rid of negative people, conditions, thoughts, ideas and concepts.
Did you know that forgiveness is a choice--as is not forgiving? When you do not forgive another person, you remain energetically connected or tied to them. When you forgive others you break those ties and allow them to move on with their lives--and you to move on with yours.
Gratitude is advanced forgiveness; therefore, it is important to be grateful for your blessings. When you stop blaming others, wishing things were different or judging something to be wrong you can truly forgive yourself and others.
Forgiveness reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, increases well-being and promotes good health. It can also reduce the risk of cancer and other disease. Forgiveness is private. It is not necessary or advisable to tell people that you are forgiving them. Forgiveness is not ego, although some people say forgiveness is selfish because it largely benefits the person doing the forgiving.
Forgiveness is putting your thoughts in line with the Laws of the Universe. I speak to many people whose faces show resentment, anger and bitterness. I know there is a forgiveness problem. Why is it so difficult to forgive? Nature does not have a problem forgiving. The human body is busy all the time forgiving and healing.
When you cut your finger, it does not stop and say, "No I am not ready to forgive you; you have been a bad person. Your body immediately begins to repair and heal itself. The doctor sets your leg when it is broken, but is is God or Nature that heals it. When you hold a grudge and do not forgive others and yourself, you are working against the Laws of Nature. When you do not blame, condemn, or judge yourself, others and circumstances there is nothing to forgive.
Forgiving is permanent. When you truly and completely forgive an injustice you never have to do it again.
In the Next Blog I will be sharing some Forgiveness Affirmation Tools to help you forgive.