Dear Friends
I wish to take this opportunity to wish every one of you a very Happy, Healthy, Blessed, Peaceful, Loving and Prosperous New Year 2012!
I want to thank you for all your wondrous support and encouraging emails, posts, letters, faxes and telephone calls. I enjoy and treasure each one. Please keep them coming as I am always interested in hearing from you whether it be a Prayer/Affirmation Request, a question, help needed with your Affirmations and/or just to say 'Hello.'
Please Remember has 8 different short, yet very powerful audio Meditations to help you through the holidays and every day. They are---
Stop Smoking
Weight Control
Please remember to join in, in your mind, every evening at 11:00 o'clock Pacific Standard Time with our Universal Affirmation/Prayer Group. One of my readers/listeners suggested that we add the word, 'Universal,' and I totally agree.
This way you can be an important part of sending love, healing and support to people worldwide.
We jointly and severally affirm the following Universal Affirmation/Prayer
"Dear Father, God/Creator or Whomever you Believe in ----
Divine Wisdom and Divine Order to our World Leaders; Peace in the World; Healing, Love, Respect and Nurturing to Mother Earth; Cures for cancer/aids and all disease; Healing and protection to our men and women in the armed forces, both here and overseas; Healing and love to ALL those who are starving and any person who is suffering from world catastrophes.
Now here add your own person Prayer/Affirmation requests for self, family and others.
We complete the Universal Affirmation/Prayer by adding the following ----
We now jointly and severally join in with any person, anywhere in the world, who is at this moment thinking thoughts of peace, joy, love and happiness and we send these thoughts into every corner of the world. AND SO IT IS!
This particular prayer was started 22 years ago by Rev. Eva Grace Johnson and I in Washington State and has been prayed regularly every evening for the past 22 years. Now we have many thousands of people that join in, in their minds, with us in this Universal prayer. We would be honored and delighted to have you join in, in your mind, with us.
God Bless and Many Affirmation Blessings
Dr. Anne Marie Evers