Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Saturday, December 12, 2009


64 Tips To Having a Cheerful Christmas and New Years No Matter What! By Dr. Anne Marie Evers

Take advantage of all the FREE activities during he Christmas Season.This can be a lot of fun and it takes the stress of thinking that you can’t afford it. Check out newspapers, flyers, etc. to see where and when.

Decorate your house. Bright cheery decorations have a way of encouraging happiness. Start your own Family Christmas Tradition.

Be organized and have a back up plan when asking people to bring items for the Christmas Dinner. For Example--if you ask someone to bring the cranberries, have some cranberries on hand just in case they forget. This little hint can make your life easier.

Do things together as a family. Invite family members to help set the table for Christmas dinner. Pick out your Christmas Tree and decorate it together. Use the Sandwich Method to get family to participate. One slice of praise –what you want them to do --- and the other slice of bread which is And you are such a good person and wonderful family member, I just know you want to do this, don’t you agree?

5. Give the Gift of SHARE
S - Smile
H - Hope
A - Attitude
R - Real
E – Empathy

Refrain from being focused on what gifts that you are receiving.

Don't ruin your Christmas holidays by spreading gloom to others because you are unhappy that you did not get the gift you wanted for Christmas. There is another Christmas coming next year. Be happy with the gifts that you receive.

Speaking of Gifts -- Enjoy the greatest gifts of all at Christmas

Watching children sit on Santa's knee
Watching your children or grandchildren on Christmas morning
Having a chat with a friend
Giving that busy Christmas shopper the gift of your smile
Just sharing a cheery greeting to another

When irate family members try to ruin your Christmas, just say, "Cancel, cancel, or Delete, delete that’s not true for me, I am happy," and never allow that negativity to go into your mind (computer) and you won't have to deal with it.

Teach your children that giving is a part of receiving.

Count your blessings and focus on them--the wonderful people and the good things in your life. Get up every morning and say, “Thank you God, Universal Mind, Higher Power or whomever you believe it. For this wonderful day and all my blessings, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you and live in attitude of gratitude.

Give the gift of LOVE –
Visit that shut-in person
Offer your help in shopping
Offer baby sitting services
House Cleaning
Cook Christmas Dinner for shut-in and people that need help

Keep doing your Affirmations during this time. A good one would be --"I am happy and peaceful."

Don't beat yourself up with 'could haves, should haves, why didn't I's' etc. and Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. Is it chatter does it matter?

Put on and wear your 'Special Christmas Smile.'

Be prudent and do not overspend just because a person wants a special expensive present for Christmas. Be realistic.

One of the best gifts you can give others is to love, respect and approve of yourself. This then gives them permission to do the same. Give the gift of YOU!

Take your happiness OFF lay-away. Enjoy it now.

Practice Random Acts of Kindness.

Give to the Empty Stock Fund, Food Bank, Salvation Army and other such organizations.

Help out at a Soup Kitchen in your neighborhood. It is very therapeutic and rewarding.

Take time for a bubble bath or for men a brisk shower

Take time to read something positive. You may want to turn off the TV and not read the Newspaper during this positive, festive time.

If you live alone, make yourself a special meal.

Beauty is everywhere--take time to find it.

Remember that even when life looks its blackest, there are still wonderful things around us if we choose to focus on them. THIS TOO SHALL PASS

Be clear and focus on what is most important and release all else.

Do a check to see what you have been focusing on. If it is negativity, change it immediately.

Help a family members and friends paint or decorate his or her home.

Give a Gift Certificate entitling the bearer to 10 complimentary rides, wherever they wish to go.

Give to the Christmas Hampers. And invite that person who is alone at Christmas to share in your Christmas festivities. Invite a handicapped person or any person for a ride and show them the bright, beautiful Christmas Decoration.

HOME MADE GIFTS -- Knit a warm sweater, scarf or mitts for a homeless person.
And make home made Christmas Gifts teaching children how to do this as well. I always feel that home made gifts are so very special because it says to me that that person took the time, energy and made it especially for me!

Make a Christmas Album for Family
Bake a cake
Make fudge

Home Made Christmas Affirmation Bracelets
GREEN – Money
BLUE - Healing
LOVE - Pink
Purple/White – Spirituality
ORANGE – Energy

Or mix the beads up with all colors.
It is your choice.
Home made Christmas Decorations - string popcorn, etc.
Remember the Real Gift is Y O U !

Wrap a candle in newspaper
Wrap a candle in nice wrapping
Have 2 people open them and see what is inside.

In spite of all the outer wrappings, action, etc. is the real you – the greatest gift of all!

Yield the right of way to another driver.

When you begin to get impatient, stop and say to yourself, "If I react in a native angry manner what effect could that have on that person's life?"

Give honest appreciation. A little bit of appreciation goes a long way, especially during these busy, hectic Christmas Shopping days.

Be extra aware of others and their feelings.

If a person is grumpy, do not jump to the conclusion that it is aimed at you or take it personally, just know that he or she may have something going on in his or her life that is irritating, annoying or they could be experiencing worry or some physical pain or discomfort.

Do some Christmas forgiving - if you're not sure how to do that checkout my book - some call me "A Master of Forgiveness" - the key to letting go and being happy - you only hurt yourself if you don't forgive.

Forgive that family member that you are upset with.

Focus on how you can improve yourself and your life - Tell yourself those things are getting better right here, right now
Make a list of 10 things you can do right now to improve your life.
Then read it over, study it and then DO IT!

Go to church.
Some churches have the Christmas Tree Method,made up of members of the choir standing in a particular place with a lit candle that creates the form of a gigantic
bright, lit up Christmas Tree. It is a beautiful sight to see.

Enjoy hearing and seeing the Christmas Story being acted out with Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus in the Manger, the shepherds, etc.

Be amongst people- Family and close friends.

Bring in Christmas smells, like the fresh smell of pine trees, and scented candles.

Bake together with your family. – and Sing Carols together.

Do an Affirmation for a Happy Christmas Holiday. Take a picture o of your whole family (when they were happy) and put it on a piece of paper and under it write. Every member of my family including myself are all considerate, kind, happy, peaceful and harmonious and we enjoy wonderful family gatherings together to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I fully accept
Signed ____________________ Dated __________________
Try and get every member of the family to sign it. Keep it were it is visible and every one can see it. Remember your mind takes in every word and does not differentiate between a real and imagined event.

It is important to spend time with people, but there are times when it is not possible and in a situation like that it is good to experience what being with yourself is like.

Pay attention to you breath, look outside at the moon, other people. Most of all become comfortable with yourself. You need alone time to get acquainted with YOU--the most important person in your world!

Enjoy some quiet time. Read book, listen to music, nourish your soul, do things that are comforting to you.

Light a candle and watch it burn. Use pink for love, red for energy
Green for peace and prosperity, white for spriritual and blue for health.
Burn one candle at a time and focus on the flame and your intention and wish.

Meditate.—If you have never meditated before, keep it simple.
Clear your mind, Find a quiet place, close your eyes and say one word over and over. That word is peaceful peaceful. When other thoughts come just allow them to come and go while focusing on that powerful word peaceful. I do it all the time and it works great for me.

Ask The Christmas Angel to be with you and your family and your time together at Christmas. The name of the Christmas Angel that I communicate with is Angelica

Do not be so worried about buying Christmas gifts. Christmas is not all about gifts; it is also about family and friends being together sharing, caring and enjoying happy fellowship.

Stop focusing on what you are getting for Christmas spend more time around the Tree and singing family carols, etc.. Think of ways you can ease another’s burdens or load. What can I do to help that person? When you see a person sitting on the street begging for money and if you wish to donate, gently bend down and with love give that gift. I have seen people standing and throwing or dropping money at a person and I think to myself – But for the Grace of God there go all of us.

Loving self-- Be a love magnet to the right people and right circumstances Give the Gift of yourself!

Decide to be happy Get up in the morning and say, "Today, I am happy."

Have a budget when spending at the Holiday Season and stick with it and don't overspend. If you do, you may find yourself suffering from the January Blues!

Call an old friend you have not talked to lately. Practice Empathic Listening. We were given two ears and one mouth at birth. Listen and really hear what that person is saying. Do not be so focused on what you are going to say next that you do not hear what they are saying.

Realize that there are ups and downs and rhythms and go with that rhythm and let yourself relax and be who you are.

When disappointed with the actions of others, look at what your expectations are. Then ask yourself,"Is this reasonable, why does it have to be that way?"
Am I too rigidly attached to my old beliefs and expectations?"
If the answer is 'yes', you can change all that today!

Think about things in a different way. Be open to new possibilities. Don't expect too much of others or expect them to act as you do.Expand your mind. Be open to learning new things.

Do the Magic Magnetic Circle Process

Magic Magnetic Christmas Circle Exercise

Get up in the morning, stretch, take several deep breaths, breathing out negativity and breathing in positivity, happiness, peace and joy. Stand in front of the window and with both your arms outstretched from your sides, turn slowly around from left to right (clockwise) and say,

"I, (your name), now magnetize from the sun, moon, stars and the entire Universe into my Magic Magnetic Circle peace, joy, love, health, happiness and prosperity to myself, which extends to everyone I meet. This is done to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
And so it is!

Then go on about your day and really see and feel how different you experience your daily life. Let me know how it goes...

When you are upset with a situation, say to yourself, "This too, shall pass." These words have helped me through many a crisis and unhappy situation in my life.

Go out doors --Go for walk--Get fresh Air. You never know what you will see -you may see something that renews, encourages, gives you hope, and makes you happy.

If you are where there is snow--Have a fun sleigh ride together enjoy, laugh and have fun. Make a Snow Angel. Make a Snowman, Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus and the Elves--enjoy.

Enjoy a hot chocolate in front of the fireplace.

Look for and enjoy the wonderful, free things of life. Stop and enjoy AND bless a pretty flower, tree, mountain, stream or any of God's Creations. Enjoy nature, parks, creeks, mountains, the air we breathe the sun, etc.

Hug a Tree and see what happens. When I do this, I actually feel the tree hugging me back!!!

Show different types of HUGS

A Special Affirmation for Christmas and New Years

"I, (your name), deserve and now am happy and fulfilled. I greet every day with excited expectancy and enthusiasm. I am grateful to be alive and present here on planet earth at this time. I do my Magic Magnetic Circle Method daily and bring my heart's desires to me.

I share my happiness and prosperity with others. I know that to be prosperous, I must help others prosper too! I am loving, kind and at peace. I practice Random Acts of Kindness on a daily basis. I am loved by the special people in my life. I am loving and lovable.

I forgive and let go of all negativity, unhappiness, disappointment and hurts from the past and I now walk into my circle of happiness. I make this Christmas, Holiday Season and New Year of 2006 the best ever! I am alive,

I am here, present in the now and I count. I am happy and fulfilled to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
I fully accept
Signed _____________________Dated ________________

When you date and sign this Master Affirmation, you have made a firm and binding contract with Your Higher Self, God, Creator, Universal Mind or whomever you believe it.


Take a family picture of everyone looking happy.
Under that picture write.

Our family deserves and now is healthy, happy and harmonious and enjoy family gatherings to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We fully accept

Get as many members of your family to sign this Master Affirmation.
Place is where everyone can see it. Your subconscious mind takes in every detail and stores it for all time. You see the subconscious mind does not differentiate between a real and an imaged event.


Get a small spray bottle, fill it with water and a fragrance. With masking tape write on it – Special Christmas Cheer. Spray your home before your guest arrive. If you become negative spray your negative thoughts.

Make it real.

Have a family Meeting
Have a family meeting even when members of the family are not present. I know this sounds strange, but it really really works.

Do the Photograph Exercise of talking to a picture

Talk to each member, stop be quiet and really listen with your inner ear to what each one is saying.

I would suggest anyone experiencing difficulties with family members and getting together at this time of year FIRST deal with SELF.

Have a very Happy, Joyous, Peaceful, Loving Christmas and Holiday Season.

With love and many warm Affirmation Blessings
Dr. Anne Marie Evers


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas 2009 and New Year 2010

Dear Friends

It is always such a great pleasure to visit with you and to wish you a wonderful, blessed, happy, prosperous, peaceful and loving New Year 2010 and holiday season.

I was racking my brain to think of something that I could give you, my readers that could help you and I came up with the idea of sharing some information with you that I have used very successfully in the past dealing with family and others during the holiday Season and especially during ‘The Family Christmas Dinner,’ and other visits, etc.

I am very excited to share with you some information about my N E W AFFIRMATION TOOLBOX. In this Toolbox you will find exercises, methods, Affirmations, ways, etc. to help you on your life journey and especially over the upcoming holiday season. I have used them personally with excellent, sometimes miraculous results!

I have the following physical objects which help me focus. Here a just a few of the many ideas, exercises, methods, Affirmations, etc. in the Affirmation Toolbox.

I use ‘the cup’ for my Cup Release Exercise. I write the name of a person and/or situation that hurt me in the past. Someone or something that proved very disappointing to me. I write on masking tape the name of that person or thing and put it on the cup. I fill the cup with water (water represents emotion) then I sit with the cup in my hands. I visualize all my anger, disappointment, and/or negative feelings about that person or situation dripping out of my eyes, ears, nose and mouth into the water. When I feel that exercise is complete, I take the cup to the sink and dump the water down the drain. I think to myself, “Can I ever get that water back?” And of course I cannot. It is gone down the drain and with it has gone my disappointment, anger, etc. For best results, this exercise should be done for a period of 21 days consecutively. Of course you can do it longer if required. Then when you have dumped out the water and watched it go down the drain, take a huge sigh of relief and say, “Healed Heart.” Say these two words over and over. These words will then sink deep into your subconscious mind. FEEL them saturating every organ, cell and every part of your body. KNOW that healing taking place within you.

This reminds me that I can really only do ONE task at a time. As I watch one grain of sand going through the Hour Glass at a time, I realize that if I try and force more it will become clogged or I could break it and I apply this reasoning to my life challenges.

This helps me remember to magnify my blessings and the good things about family members and friends.

This says to me, “Today is all the time you really have.” Enjoy thoroughly this day and for me to take my life off ‘Off Lay Away’ and to live every day to the fullest. I create my Master
Affirmation for the Festive Season. I place a picture of our family (looking happy) on a paper and under the picture I write, “Our family and friends are happy, peaceful and loving.” Then I step ahead in my mind and visualize in vivid color our family members and friends celebrating Christmas and the Holidays with every one being congenial & loving.

When I am in a difficult situation I visualize these four words inscribed on the back of my ring and they are, “This too shall pass,”

I write on masking tape, “Spiritual Disinfectant’ and then I place it on a spray bottle. I fill it with scented water. When I am expecting visitors (some of them could be negative) I simply spray the area where I am having the Christmas Dinner and then the whole house. I say, “I am spraying any negative thoughts, words or actions.” Then I take a pink spray bottle with the word LOVE printed on it and I spray it all around that area I have just cleared out, saying, “I NOW spray my whole house with LOVE!”

To learn more about the Affirmation Toolbox, please email me – and I will email you a copy of the Toolbox. Please let me know how these methods work for you. I LOVE hearing from you!

GREETINGS OF LOVE, PEACE & HOPE from The Angel Chapel, North Vancouver, B.C. Canada

Please check out these websites today!

With much Love and Warm Affirmation Blessings
Rev-Dr. Anne Marie Evers & Pastor Reg Clemens


Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Here is John Lucas's website

John Lucas
Beyond Healing
Santa Fe, NM



SHOW The Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show
TIME 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
DATE Saturday, Decmber 12th, 2009

Comment: You will not want to miss this informative and interesting radio show. John Lucas is an incredible man who is on a mission to help people heal and live happier and fuller lives.

Tune in and/or call in to 1-425-644-5620 with your health questions.

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