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This 75 DAY FREE EMAIL COURSE is brought to you by Anne Marie Evers, D.D. Anne Marie Evers is a ‘best-selling’ author of many books and numerous e-books on the power of properly done Affirmations. Her main book Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness 8th edition is changing readers’ lives all over the globe. She is co-author with Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer in a series of books, Wake Up and Live the Life You Love in Spirit. Anne is CEO of Affirmations International Publishing Company; and a Seasoned Radio/Internet Talk Show Host from Coast to Coast and worldwide on the web. She is a member of the Canadian Guidance and Counselling Association and hold certificates in Professional Development, Child Psychology 212 and more. Lastly Anne is an International Motivational Speaker; Facilitator of workshops and seminars on the power of Affirmations; Goal-Setting; Positive Thinking, Newspaper Columnist and a free-lance writer.
This FREE EMAIL COURSE is intended to provide you with powerful Affirmation Life Tools to help you get through the side effects caused by your current medical treatments. Each day you will receive an email with an Affirmation Life Tool dealing with a specific negative side effect caused from chemo and/or other medical treatments. You can begin using these Affirmation Life Tools immediately. There is no need to search the Internet or wait for product to be mailed to you! You simply open your inbox everyday and start using the Affirmations Life Tools emailed to you for that day. You will also be provided with a pdf that you can download to enable you to print off the material for future reference.
*Note: When we say this course is Free ---- we mean it is Free! There are no hidden costs and we will never, ever request money for anything we offer for Free! Period.