C - COURAGE - Develop and use H - HELP - People who need help and those who ask for your help; R - RECOGNIZE - And appreciate differences in others; I - INTEREST - Take a real and sincere interest in others;
S - SIMPLE - Keep it simple; T - Everyone with love, dignity and respect;
M - MERRY - Make your Holidays Merry and Happy;
A - APPRECIATE - Every day, people, gifts and everything;
S - SMILE - My meaning for it is . . . . . . . . . S-Simple; M- Message; I - I; L-Love; E-Everyone!
S - SIMPLE - Keep it simple; T - Everyone with love, dignity and respect;
M - MERRY - Make your Holidays Merry and Happy;
A - APPRECIATE - Every day, people, gifts and everything;
S - SMILE - My meaning for it is . . . . . . . . . S-Simple; M- Message; I - I; L-Love; E-Everyone!
P - PEACE - Make Peace wherever you can;
U – UNITING - People of the world in a prayerful, uplifting way;
N - NOW - Live in the now (only time we really have);
C - CHANGE - Be ready for positive, uplifting changes;
H - HAPPINESS - Spread happiness wherever you go!
U – UNITING - People of the world in a prayerful, uplifting way;
N - NOW - Live in the now (only time we really have);
C - CHANGE - Be ready for positive, uplifting changes;
H - HAPPINESS - Spread happiness wherever you go!
I sincerely hope you enjoy my CHRISTMAS PUNCH!