Important Factors to be Aware of When Doing Affirmations
a) Blow breath into your affirmations
by taking action. In addition to doing affirmations when seeking that
perfect, relationship, blow breath into your affirmations by accepting
invitations, meeting other single people and going places where they
congregate. Be conscious of other single people when shopping, traveling, where
you work and other places. Tell friends and relatives you are interested in
meeting that special person. It is important to exercise down to earth common
sense when meeting new people. Make it happen! You can sit in your car all day
and affirm, state or demand that it start, but until the appropriate action is
taken, (putting the key into the ignition and turning it) it will not start.
Remember that all relationships begin in the Engine Room of the Relationship
c) Be
thankful to God, Universal Mind or whom ever you believe in. Also be
thankful to yourself, life, nature and creation, adopting an attitude of
gratefulness. It is easy to give thanks after
you have received your good or blessings. Give thanks before. Write thank you three times after every Master Affirmation. When you say thank you, you obligate the
planet for more. Have and maintain an attitude of gratitude and watch miracles
happen in your life. One day my daughter, Aren told me
of something she just had to do right then. She was so
insistent. When I questioned her, she said, “But Mother, they thanked me in
advance, and now I feel so obligated.” Gratitude is the willingness to be
thankful for what you have and a celebration of lessons learned from life’s
experiences. Concentrate and focus on the things you have and not the things
you are lacking.
d) Create in the now. When creating your affirmations, use only the N O W! The power of creation is always present in the now and you are always creating and recreating. Did you create the reality that you are alone and do not have that loving, happy relationship or marriage? Now you can uncreate that loneliness and affirm and create happiness with that perfect mate for you. Always affirm in the present time. Saying and decreeing, “Deserve and now have” makes it present tense. If you say, “I deserve and will have, you are putting the manifestation off into the future, perhaps some future lifetime, and your subconscious mind will honor your tomorrowness. It is absolutely impossible to live successfully and productively in the past, present and future all at the same time.
e) Repetition is a very important factor in
creating and manifesting your affirmations. Repeating an affirmation is
leading the mind to that state of consciousness where it accepts that which it
wishes to believe. Repetition is the exercise that accelerates the energy and
vibration that is already present to make your affirmations manifest quicker.
When you repeat affirmations, thought patterns are impressed on your
subconscious mind and you are transforming your previously held beliefs,
opinions, ideas and concepts about that statement. When you say affirmations
over and over, the words become a living presence in your awareness. Later you
become the words in the affirmation. It is important to then turn it over to a
Higher Power, God, Universal Mind or whomever you believe in for
materialization. Repetition reinforces the belief system and convinces the mind
that it is true and the laws of the great Universe take care of the
Repetition is accepted in every culture. Some forms of prayer are repeated over and over. When people chant in rhythm it helps to place them in a reflective state. In some types of meditation, the mantra is repeated over and over. When you repeat your affirmations with faith, conviction and expectancy, you are actually leading your mind into the state of consciousness where true faith and belief exist. Doing affirmations is not a one time procedure or event. It takes constant repetition. To make an affirmation concrete, think, write, feel and say it out loud with great feeling and gusto. In other words, say it until you mean it. Convince yourself of its truth and reality. There is no quick fix or fast spiritual food method of doing affirmations and there are no McAffirmations! It takes work, effort, concentration and the results are well worth the effort.
f) I use the Check Mark Method with great success. When my affirmations manifest, I put a big check mark on the Master Affirmation with a felt pen together with the date it actually happened. I place it in my Fulfilled Master Affirmation Book. When I begin a new affirmation to expand and increase my faith, all I have to do is to look back at all the ones that have happened. It also reminds me of all the affirmations that have manifested that may have slipped into my past memory bank and those which I may have completely or partially forgotten. It brings them to my attention and consciousness. I have many huge loose-leaf books marked Fulfilled Master Affirmations in all phases of my life. The good news is that you can have the same.
One of my
readers reported to me that after she recorded and listened to her own
affirmations for a week or so, miracles began taking place in her life. This
happened because the subconscious mind is most in tune with its own voice. You
will be astonished at the results you achieve when you do This Method faithfully. Another student reported to me that she
puts one of her daily Short Form Affirmations under her pillow every
night. She selects the one she feels is most important to her at the time,
thinks about it and then lulls herself to sleep repeating it. She does the same
one for seven days and then goes on to the next affirmation. Many people have
reported exciting results with this Pillow-Talk
Affirmation Process.
When you are in a state of sleep,
forces (your thoughts) are still active. They are working on and with other
minds, situations, and events. Your thought processes work on your desired
affirmation all night to produce what you desire when your last thought before
you go to sleep is of you having and enjoying your desire. Use the same process
with anything you desire -- that loving, lasting, happy, healthy relationship,
new vehicle, health, money, more friends, personal changes, spiritual
development or any material object.
g) Let go of your rigid detachment to the outcome of your affirmations. Do not fret, worry or feel overly attached to the outcome of your affirmation, this process hinders the manifestation. Many people delay the completion of their desires by being rigidly attached to the exact outcome. Affirmations can manifest in a different manner than expected.
Cindy was so desperate to attract and have that perfect marriage that she kept questioning it, asking when, where and how it would appear. She was extremely attached to the outcome and her disbelief and attachment hindered its manifestation. When I pointed this out to her, she relaxed, began to believe and two months later she now has a wonderful relationship with the man of her dreams.
Release your
completed affirmations into the Universe with loving detachment, not rigid attachment. Assure your thoughts and
affirmations that they will find the perfect answer and return to you. Another
way is to bless your affirmations as
you send them out into the Universe to manifest. One of my readers visualizes
her affirmations on her hand and then blows them with love into the Universe.
It works wonders for her.
h) Use the power
of focus. When you take a magnifying glass and hold it steadily and close
over a small portion of a newspaper, the paper will burn if the sunlight is
strong enough. This is a sample of focused energy. Nothing will happen if you
hold the magnifying glass at the same distance from the newspaper and move it
quickly back and forth as you are scattering the energy and power.
You can work on many affirmations at one
sitting. Take out your completed Master Affirmation, read it over, and then
visualize the end result. Step ahead three or four weeks or months in your
mind’s eye and bring in the five senses. Visualize in vivid color the desired
outcome and then go on to the next affirmation. Do one affirmation at a time,
as this does not scatter the power of the focus when you concentrate on one affirmation at a time. Should you
place several on one page, it can become confusing and you will be diluting and
scattering the power of focus. When you do affirmations, focus and concentrate
on what you desire and the results manifest.
Use the saturation
process. In this
procedure you write out the abbreviation of your Short Form Affirmation for a
total of seventy-seven times for seven days consecutively. You may wish to do
every day for continued, abundant health or lasting, loving relationship or
anything else you desire. Should your affirmation be delayed, take another look
at it. Is your affirmation based on truth and most of all, is it true for you?
You may discover you need to re-write the affirmation or stop for a period of
time to allow it to manifest. Sometimes affirmations materialize immediately
after the affirmation process is stopped. Others do the Short Form Affirmation
Process on a daily basis and they are delighted that it only takes a few
This information is copyrighted and taken from Dr. Anne Marie Evers' Book, Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness.