Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patricks Day Everyone!

My guest on the Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show is Mary Lavers.

She is an experienced group facilitator leader and will be presenting some very important questions about the Affirmation Process.

You are also invited to call in on the toll free number at 1-877-230-3062

12:00 noon-1:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 17, 2012!

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012


All you ever need to know about affirmations-- It is all ---- H E R E !!

No searching through ---

■ piles of paper,
■ Internet sites,
■ libraries,
■ newsletters
■ books, etc.------

Dr. Anne Marie Evers, (the ‘Affirmations Doctor’), author of many physical books on the power of Affirmations, Creator/author of The Cards of Life; Numerous e-books, ( 2 anti-violence Childrens' programs—The Affirm and Learn Enhancement Program and The Kids’ Affirmations Program (KAP) and more!

■ Can I Do Affirmations for Others?

You can do Support Master Affirmations for others, but only if they desire exactly what you are affirming. Every person has been given free choice.

■ What is an Affirmation?

An Affirmation is similar to a prayer, wish, or goal—only it is more structured, focused, and specific. It is also an order for change, a decree, or statement. Affirmations are based on positive thinking, belief, and faith. To affirm is to make firm. Simply put, the basis of all Affirmations is positive thinking. The proper use of AMCAM will allow you to take control of your life.

■ Where Can I Do My Affirmations?

You can do Affirmations anywhere, any time. You can do them in the privacy of your own home, vehicle, while waiting at traffic lights, in a doctor’s office, bathing, or while exercising.

■ When Should I Do Them?

You can do Affirmations any time, whether you feel anxious and discouraged or happy and fulfilled. When you are happy, do Affirmations for continued happiness. If you are discouraged or feeling negative, do the appropriate Affirmation to lift your spirit.The best time to do Anne Marie's Contract Affirmation Method (AMCAM) is first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. You can do Affirmations any time you think of them and as many times as you wish. Say them over and over in your mind. You cannot overuse this incredible power. The more you use it, the more there is available for you to use.

■ Who Can Do Affirmations?

Everyone and anyone, from a very young child to a senior citizen, can do Affirmations. I know a young child and a great-grandmother who are doing Affirmations. The great-grandmother changes her Affirmations weekly and most of them now are for her continued health and that of her loved ones.

■ Why is it Important to Do Affirmations?

Affirmations can reveal any negative blockages. You can then recognize, overcome, release, and forgive them. In their place, put loving kindness, peace, joy, and happiness. Now you are free to live the life you choose. Do Affirmations to make your fondest dreams come true.

Are there any rules to follow when doing the Affirmation Process?

Yes there are. This information is so powerful that it comes with a warning--
■ You must never hurt or take from anyone
■ Your affirmations must be worded to the good of all parties concerned, and
this includes you.
■ There must be at least a 51% believability factor that this affirmation can
manifest as affirmed.
■ It must contain the 3 P’s--Personal, Positive and Present Tense.

What does ‘to the good of all parties concerned’ mean?

To the Good of All Parties Concerned is one of the most important clauses in Anne Maries Contract Affirmation Method known as AMCAM. You must use this clause in every Master Affirmation, because it is your safety net. When you say, “to the good of all parties concerned,” you eliminate the possibility of negative interference. Also, when you use this phrase, your Affirmations will not manifest unless they are to the good of everyone involved and this, of course, includes you!

Just how does it work? Do I need to worry about how my affirmation will manifest?

Affirmations work through The Law of Attraction. When doing Affirmations, never worry or concern yourself about the modus operandi, (the way it happens). You know the what and God, Universal Mind, or whomever you believe in knows the how. Get out of the way and trust the Laws of Mind and Creation to take care of the manifestation as affirmed!

Why is it important to say thank you three times after every Master Affirmation?

It is important to be thankful. Adopt an attitude of gratitude. It is easy to give thanks after you have received your blessings. Give thanks before. Write “Thank you” three times after every Master Affirmation. When you say Thank you, you obligate the planet to bring you more. Have and maintain an attitude of gratitude and watch miracles happen in your life. Writing Thank you three times after your Master Affirmation, you are invoking the number 3, which signifies health, wealth and happiness. Gratitude is the willingness to be thankful for what you have and a celebration of lessons learned from life’s experiences. Concentrate and focus on the things you have, rather than on the things you are lacking.

Can I do Long-Term Affirmations?

Yes you can! You may wish to do some long-term Affirmations for projects or goals you wish to realize in six months, one year, or five years from now. As an example, you may wish to affirm that, in five years, after you retire, you live in a beautiful home on the beach. This may not be possible at this time due to career demands in your life, but will be later, when you retire. Be prepared, however, to change and update your Affirmations as you change. Another example of a long-term goal would be that of a student affirming his or her successful career as a doctor, after finishing professional training. He or she could affirm a particular location to set up practice and so forth. You can affirm anything you desire, as long as you add the safety clause, “To the good of all parties concerned.”

Many people do long-term goals or Affirmations for careers and other things, then put them away in a drawer and take them out years later. It proves very interesting to see how many of them have materialized. I wrote out some long-term goals five years ago. When I took them out recently and read them, I was truly amazed. All but two had manifested!

Can I type up my affirmations instead of writing them?

Yes, you can use your computer and I have many reports of great success using the computer/typewriter. Personally, I like to write them out in long hand because I experience more power doing it that way. You can use either way that you feel works for you.

Why is it so important to use colour when doing my Master Affirmations?

Because color wakes up and excites the subconscious mind it is important to put color in and around your affirmations on the page. Look at two pictures—one black and white and the other in full color. Which ones does your eye gravitate to?

Is there any special type of paper I need to use when doing my Master Affirmation?

No, you can use any type of paper you wish. I personally like to use shiny paper, decorate it and put color everywhere. This then becomes pleasing and interesting for look at and encourages me to do my affirmations every morning and every night.

When ordering up that special man for me, can I put the kind of car that he drives, the kind of clothes he wears, etc.?

Yes, you can do this. One of my readers, when doing her Master Affirmation for her perfect mate for her, put the kind of car he would drive, the kind of clothes right down to his shoes. It was very explicit and it worked. She brought him to meet me at a restaurant and I kept looking at his feet to compare the shoes he was actually wearing to the ones she put in her Master Affirmation. When I went to the washroom he told Sandy, That Anne Marie seems like such a nice lady, but does she have a foot fetish?Sandy Laughed and told him the story. He was very intrigued and kept asking more and more questions, urging Sandy to share her Master Affirmation with him.

How long do I need to keep doing my affirmations?

Until they manifest as affirmed. Then place a huge check mark over your Master Affirmation and write in the date it took place. Keep these completed Master Affirmations to refer to and to act as a faith builder.

Can I do affirmations for others?

Yes, but only if that other person wants exactly what you are affirming for them, or you are doing a Support Master Affirmation to assist them. We do not have the right to affirm (or order up) that another person does what you want them to do. You cannot change another person. The only person you can change is yourself. However you can change your view of that other person and in most cases they sense the change in you and they change accordingly.

How can such simple Affirmations and Affirmation Tools help me and manifest happiness in my life?

Don’t let the simplicity of some of these Exercises, tools fool you. Do them and you will be surprised. This is why is it so powerful because it is so simple, just like it should be.

Why do I need to have a money consciousness to receive the amount of monies I need or want?

It is so important to start your seeds of prosperity to bring about the manifestation of your desire.

What Affirmation Tool do you suggest?

Purchase my book Affirmation Toolbox where I have set out over 150 different, simple yet very powerful Affirmation Tools. This way you have all these tools in one book. No searching the Internet for hours or waiting for a product or book to arrive in the mail. Just go to the Table of Contents and see where the particular Affirmation Tool that you need at the moment and go to that page!

What does having the money consciousness do for me?

Doing these Affirmation Tools, exercise and Affirmation help you make deep groves in your subconscious mind and encourage your belief system to kick in to materialize the money you desire.

You talk about the Magic Magnetic Circle. What can it do for me?

You create excitement and enthusiasm in your life when you making doing the Magic Magnetic Circle your daily morning exercises.

I heard you speak at one of your workshops about Magic Magnetic Map. What exactly is that?

You will benefit greatly by writing out your Magic Magnetic Map as you can see at a glance – your wishes and how they will manifest for you.

How do I get rid of negative thoughts?

By replacing them with positive ones.

I read in your Affirmations Your Passport to Prosperity/Money about the Multi-Millionaire Oath. Why is this important?

This is a way of ensuring that you give part of your money to charity when you become wealthy. It also protects you from losing your money and from being afraid to have it in the first place.

What do I do if I feel that Affirmations are not working for me?

You may need to alter them and check your rigid attachment to the outcome. Then keep on doing them.

Are Affirmations the same as thoughts?

I believe that thoughts really are Affirmations that you have formed into a request and/Affirmation.

Should I try to get my sister to do Affirmations?

We cannot make others do Affirmations. It must be their choice as every person has been given free will to make their own choices.

Why do your teach the importance of using the 5 Building Blocks?

Because the combination of these 5 Building Blocks set the solid foundation on which to build your Affirmation Process.

Why is forgiveness so important in the Affirmation Program?

Forgiveness is the first and foremost Building Block of the program. If you are full of unforgiveness, anger, hurt, etc. the Affirmation Program cannot work at its highest potential.

Do Affirmations work even when you do not believe?

Yes, they have for me. I do teach we need to have at least a 51% believability factor that what you are affirming for can manifest as affirmed.

How can I justify doing Affirmations to create money for me when I know others are starving?

I use the Serenity Prayer that goes like this—Lord teach me to change the things I can; Not the things I cannot And grant me the wisdom to know the difference.

We cannot change the whole world, but we can help in our own way with one new positive thought at a time, one sentence at a time, one action at a time. In other words we can brighten the corner where we are.

Can I make my husband believe and do Affirmations?

As I said the process of doing Affirmations is very personal and one has to have the desire to create Affirmation and then do them daily to achieve the results you desire.

Can I do an Affirmation that my wife will quit smoking and nagging me?

No, that is her choice and her choice alone. However you can send her thoughts, loving energy and love.

Could you please share a positive Affirmation Story on Relationships?

There are so many positive Affirmation stories about Relationship and every other subject. To find out more about Affirmations and Relationships I would encourage purchasing a copy of my Book, Affirmations Your Passport to Lasting, Loving Relationships. Several of my readers have affirmed (ordered up) their spouses using the simple Affirmation process that I teach.

Why is it important to teach kids at a young age the Affirmations Process?

I feel it is the very best gift we can give any child—to teach them how to do properly worded, positive Affirmations and to incorporate positive statements (Affirmations) in their self-talk and lives.

What is your interpretation of an Affirmation Tool?

I believe an Affirmation Tool is simply a way or method to use the process of Affirmations very simply, easily and powerfully.

What do I do when my Affirmations are not working quickly enough?

There is always certain about of time from the time you start your Affirmation and the manifestation thereof. It could be one second, one minute, hours, day, months and sometimes even years.

Can I do too many Affirmations?

No I don’t believe you can. However it is always important when doing any type of program to include balance.

Does it really help to focus on one Affirmation at a time?

Yes, it does. For example when the sun is shinning very brightly, take a magnifying glass and a newspaper outside. Hold the magnifying glass steadily over the newspaper with the sun shinning on it. And it will create fire—burn. However, if you only change ONE thing and that is if you take the magnifying glass and move it from side to side, nothing will happen as the power is scattered and it will not burn.

Why do Affirmations work only for the person doing them?

As I said before the process of doing Affirmations is very personal. It is always important to remember to affirm for (order up) what YOU want, not what you parents, spouse, friend, etc. wants for you.

How can I make my Affirmations work better?

By learning exactly what an Affirmation is and then create Affirmations and do the process. It is very scientific and works with the laws of the great universe.

Why is repetition important when doing the Affirmation Program?

Mantras are like repetitions. When you repeat something over and over it digs deep groves in your subconscious mind and then manifests that which you are repeating. Repetition is used in many cultures.

Can doing Affirmations be dangerous?

No, I believe not that is if you use the safety clause in every Master Affirmation you do. The safety clause is the clause that says, ‘to the good of all parties concerned.” And this of course includes you, the Maker.

Can I become obsessed by doing too many Affirmations too often during the day?

Always exercise down-to-earth common sense. Any person can become obsessed by anything. It is important to practise balance in all that you do. Follow the 'good book' and be moderate in all things.

Is it dangerous to think positive all the time?

I believe we have negative and positive thoughts. Everything is built on duality, up and down, black and wife, male and female, hot and cold, etc. etc. When we experience a health challenge it is very important to make an appointment and see your Doctor or Medical Professional AND do your Affirmations for good health as an additive to what your Doctor prescribes.

One lady felt so good after doing her Affirmations that she wanted to stop taking her medication. I told her by no means to stop, unless we had those instructions from her doctor. Positive Affirmations, properly done are a superb tool in receiving and having good health.

How do I handle negative people?

If at all possible stay away from them. If you are in a situation where you absolutely have to be in their presence, surround yourself with a White Light (Dome of Protection) from the roots of your hair to the tips of your toes, all day today and everyday; all night tonight and every night and everyone and everything around you.

Another ways is to cross you ankles and place your hands touching. This way you are keeping another’s negative energy from entering your aura and body.

Should I share my Affirmations at the beginning or when I start on them?

Keep your Affirmations a secret 'in the beginning.' The reason for this is that when you share them with others, they may become jealous or not want you to succeed. You have heard of dream stealers. There are many of them around. Then After you start seeing results and your Affirmations are working for you ---SHARE THEM WITH EVERYONE!

How do I get rid of negative thoughts?

Simple. Replacing them with positive thoughts. Also do some thought watching and see just where your thoughts have taken up residency. If you don’t like what you find out, you’re can change it. You created those thoughts in the first place and you and you alone have the power to uncreate them!

What if Affirmations are not working for me?

Find out the reason. Are you holding a grudge about someone? Do you have negative blockages that need to be removed? If so, start the process of removing them today

How do Affirmations really work?

I truly believe that Affirmations work through the Law of Attraction that says: Like attracts like: more gathers more: what you think about you bring about; what you are seeing is seeking you and many more

Should I do my Affirmation just before going to sleep?

A unique exercise is to start seeds of prosperity and sprinkle them in your dreams. I also teach the very best Affirmation Process is to read over your Master Affirmation every morning and evening. Then simply step ahead in your mind, several days, weeks, months, etc. and bring in your 5 physical senses.

SEE--Your Affirmation manifesting before your eyes; HEAR--People commenting on how lucky you are, etc. FEEL--How happy and fulfilled you feel; SMELL--Your favorite flower scent or perfume/cologne; TASTE-- Either take a drink of fresh, sparkling water or visualize biting into a juicy apple or grape

How does the Tiny Speck program wor?

This method gives you a lesson in creation, moving from step to step in the manifestation of your Affirmations. You actually watch the creation process.

Why does releasing negativity work?

This exercise allows you to clear your mind of all forms of negativity. This gives your consciousness a boost into the direction of having and enjoying that prosperity that you so desperately want and what you are affirming for.

Is it good to tithe and exactly what is tithing?

This is a belief where ‘what comes around goes around’ and by tithing to places in great need without expectation of return, far greater amounts of money come back to you. It is the concept that you cannot out give God/Creator, Universal Mind or whomever you believe in.

Why does the Money Tree Exercise work?

In this simple proven exercise you experience a visualization to manifest a healthy relationship with money and provide a unique vision on how to pay back money that you owe. A powerful Creative Visualization Technique.

What about the Time Frame Circles?

This is a very beneficial method to use when you are ascertaining how long your Affirmation will take to manifest as affirmed. It is also a very powerful Creative Visualization using your physical senses.

Can you speak about the Magic Magnetic Circle Exercise?

You create excitement and enthusiasm in your life when you make doing the Magic Magnetic Circle your daily morning exercise. Do it and see what takes place for you! The process is very simple.

When you get up in the morning, stand in front of the window with your arms outstretched from your sides and turn slowly around from left to right. As you are turning say the following words, “I, (your name) now magnetize from the sun, moon, stars and the entire solar system, peace, joy, love, happiness, health and prosperity into my Magic Magnetic Circle (my aura), which extend to everyone I meet.” Then say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” and go about your day.

What can you say about the Salt Exercise for Attracting Money?

By doing this simple exercise you are bringing in your 5 physical senses and will quickly realize the power of the mind to make things happen! The sale makes a great visual.

I read somewhere that you plant a tiny Angel Pin in your garden or property when you have your house (property) for sale and it works. How?

By connecting with the Angels you create the intention and plant the seed to sell your house. When fertilized and nurtured by your positive thoughts of selling your property to the good of all parties concerned, it materializes, sometimes as if by magic!

Please explain the Sleep Affirmation for Great Wealth

This is where you allow your subconscious mind to go to work and assemble all the materials necessary to create and manifest your Affirmation as you affirmed.

Okay what about Money on the Ceiling Exercise? How in the world does that work? It is hard to believe that such an exercise could be successful.

This is a powerful Creative Visualization. When you place paper money on the ceiling in your bedroom, the first thing you see in the morning is that money. Or when you place visuals around your home you bring in the powerful sense of vision and total faith.

What about Affirmations of Denial? Doesn’t that sound rather negative?

No it is not really negative it is a process of discovering and uncovering hidden blockages so you can become aware of them, and then release them to make way for your great successes that are already just waiting to take place in your life. I believe there are no failures, just miss-steps. Also I use my ‘co-called’ failures and extraordinary fertilizer for my many successes!

Why are Master Affirmations successful?

This is a sample vision of creation (your creation). This is your order to the Universes saying exactly what you desire. When done properly, this is a scientific, proven process that works every time!

What is the Blackboard Forgiveness Exercise?

Sit down and think about what and how you need to forgive. Create these images in your mind. Now take them out of the unreal and place them into the real by writing them on the blackboard. Write out all your hurts, disappointments , anger, negativity (here you are operating and taking out the emotional cancer). Then take a giant green eraser and erase them one by one and create the feeling of increasing peace saturating every cell, tissue and every part of your body.

My son loved the Exercise of the Fear Zoo. Why do you think it works?

By taking certain animals to describe your fears, placing them in a safe place and speaking with them you find out what caused the fear in the first place, where it came from and then you can easily and surely release those fears one-by-one.

I am interested in the Letter Method you talk about in your Affirmation Books

This exercise teaches the power of the written word. You learn how to access old negative memories, hurts and negative from the past and present and then release them.

How long does it take before it happens?

If your thought, desire, or Affirmation arises at the instant when there are no conflicting thoughts present to nullify this power, the mind throws its great force behind that one desire or Affirmation. The power of the mind is not divided among other thoughts, so that particular Affirmation manifests immediately, as if by some form of magic.

What process is used when doing Affirmations?

Doing affirmations is similar to the planting of a garden. There is a step process –

Step One— Select, decide what seed to use—your desire; prepare the soil or your subconscious mind by forgiving everyone and everything that has ever hurt you. Forgive yourself. Then love, respect and approve of yourself just the way you are.

Step Two—Plant the seed—this is done by doing your Master Affirmation;

Step Three—Water and fertilize the new, fragile seed, giving it tender care—this is reading your Master Affirmation twice daily—once in the morning and then again in the evening.

Step Four—Anticipate the Harvest--- Just know that little seed has taken root and is growing in the rich, fertile soil of your subconscious mind. Step ahead 3-4 weeks or months in your mind and bring in the 5 physical senses. See in your mind’s eye what ever you are affirming as happening; hear people saying how great your look, feel how wonderful you feel, and for taste visualize biting in to a juicy apply to complete the five senses.

How do I know my affirmations are working?

When you start the Affirmation Process, visualize and know the end result. You will feel the affirmation churning or working within you. You may feel excited and not be able to say why you feel like that. Put faith and expectancy into the doing of affirmations and your body will help you manifest the physical symptoms to encourage you to your goal.

Why do I need to repeat affirmations over and over?

Repetition is a very important part of the Affirmation process. Repetition accelerates the energy and vibration already present to make your Affirmations manifest more quickly. We all know repetition is the mother of learning. When you repeat Affirmations, thought patterns are impressed on your subconscious mind. You are transforming your previously held beliefs, opinions, ideas, and concepts about that statement. When you say Affirmations over and over, the words become a living presence in your awareness. Later, you become the words in the Affirmations. It is important to then turn it over to a higher power—God—for materialization. Repetition reinforces the belief system and convinces the mind that it is true. The Laws of the great Universe take care of the rest.

Repetition is accepted in every culture. Some forms of prayer are repeated many times. When people chant in rhythm, it helps them achieve a reflective state. In some types of meditation, the mantra is chanted. The process of doing Affirmations is not a one time procedure or event. It requires constant repetition. To make an Affirmation concrete, think, write, feel, and say it out loud with great feeling. Convince yourself of its truth and reality. There is no quick fix or spiritual fast-food method of doing Affirmations. It takes work, effort, and concentration. The results are well worth the effort.

Where does the power come from?

The power comes from within us

What Law of the Universe are we working with when we do affirmations?

The Law of Attraction

Can others tell that I have a secret

Yes, they will notice that there is something different about you. You are using your power of intention and creation.

Should I tell others what I am doing?

In the beginning I would not tell too many others what you are doing, unless you are doing it in a group or they are in tune with the power of creation. The reason for this is that they may discourage you by saying, something like that won’t work, that is daydreaming, or other remarks and this could distract your power of intention and creativity, hindering the manifestation of your affirmation.

What do I do when one of my affirmations manifests?

Say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," and live in an attitude of gratitude. I have a huge binder marked, Completed Affirmations. When one of my affirmations manifest, I place a huge check mark over that affirmation and write the date that it took place. This way when I start doing a new affirmation, to encourage my faith, all I need do is look back at all the completed affirmations and it gives me extra faith to embark on a brand, new one.

Can I persuade others to do affirmations?

When you affirmations manifest and people begin noticing and they ask you what you are doing—then tell them. You can encourage others to do affirmations, but please do not try to persuade and beg them to do them. This is not to the good of all parties concerned and could backfire on all people involved.

What Law of the Universe is all life based upon?

It is based on The Law of Cause and Effect. All life is based on the Law of Cause and Effect and there is no such thing as a cause without an effect. What you think and do is the cause; the result of that thought or action is the effect. For every action there is a reaction; something happens as a result of everything you do. If you can recognize and accept the Law of Cause and Effect and work with it, you will have far greater control over your life. If you change the cause (your thoughts, actions, and beliefs), you will experience a different effect or result.

This law can also be powerfully applied to ideas, which are simply thoughts arranged in a particular order. Ideas are the seeds of success and a key ingredient in your imagination. Being open to new, exciting, fresh ideas, while sifting and discarding the old ones, enhances your ability to bring things into effect in your life

Is this a scientific process?

Yes, it is likened to the Gardening Process I speak about in this book. There are 4 steps that need to be followed.

Why does it work?

It has to work. Affirmations work within the Law of Attraction, (what you are seeking is seeking your, more gathers more, what you think about you bring about) ---- Just as The Law of Gravity works—you drop something, it falls (unless you are on the moon). This law always works and it works the same for every individual—a priest, teacher, murderer, and any person.

Am I just daydreaming or wishing my life away? Is this called using my imagination?

Imagination is a form of creative thought. It is the ability to create an idea or mental picture in your mind, but just what it is and where it comes from no one seems to really know. No brain surgeon has ever been able to locate a picture, imagination centre, thought, or idea during surgery. When you practise the art of imagination, you experience the scene from the inside. This gives you the feeling and experience of it happening at the present time. There are two types of imagination—spontaneous imagination that comes from the subconscious mind and willed or guided imagination that comes from the conscious mind.

Daydreaming is casual and random. It is the act of involving yourself in fantasy while you are wide-awake. It is closely linked to imagination. Children often spend time daydreaming and visualizing what they will be and whom they will marry when they grow up. They also use this process when they play with imaginary playmates. Daydreaming is a process that takes you away from the present and it can be a time of fantastic, creative accomplishment. When you are doing specific, properly done affirmations—you are creating your life—one Affirmation at a time

Why is it so important to be specific?

To receive what you desire. You know the what and Universal Mind, God or whomever you believe in knows the HOW. It is very important to be specific, saying exactly what you want so Universal Mind can deliver it to you as affirmed.

How many affirmations can I do at a time?

You can do as many as 15 or more. Just do one at a time. Take out your Master Affirmation for Wealth—read it over, step ahead and visualize the end result, then take out your next affirmation for the Perfect, Lasting Career for you, visualize the end result and step ahead and visualize the end result—Do the next one and so on until you have completed your set of Affirmations. Do each one separately.

Can I place them all on one page?

Never place all your Master Affirmations on one page because if you give Universal Mind, God or whomever you believe in a confused order, you will receive a confused answer.

What is the success rate?

Absolutely fantastic. I have many huge binders of completed affirmations and I have thousands of letters from readers who have experienced wonderful results doing affirmations in the manner outlined in my book.

Can my affirmations manifest immediately? Is there always a certain time frame?

A delay in manifestation could also be a sign or warning that you may be overly attached to the outcome of your desire. If this is the case, you could be hindering its manifestation. It is a good idea to detach yourself from being too overly attached to the outcome. Even though you may not realize it, your Affirmations are working for you through the precise Laws of the Universe. It is very important at this time to keep on affirming.

Is the Master Affirmation done more than once?

No, you do it once, like preparing your Last Will and Testament. You can change it, modify it and rewrite it whenever you wish. As you change, your affirmations change.

How often should I do my affirmations?

After you have completed your Master Affirmation (this is only done once--like writing your Last Will and Testament, it is important to take out your Master Affirmation and read it over every morning and evening. This puts it on the front burner of your mind.

Who are we ordering up from?—What is the source?

The source is Universal Mind, God or whomever you believe in. I believe the power is within each and every one of us.

Where does the power to make the affirmations come true come from?

It comes from within us. We only need to become aware of it, and use it to our highest good.

Can anyone access it?

Yes, absolutely anyone who desires. This power is available to each and every one of us. The Laws of the Universe are not respecter of person. They work the same for every individual without fail.


You access the power by your thoughts and actions. Think what you desire and then write it out in a Specific Master Affirmation.

Should I wait for Spirit to send me what I desire?

You can if you wish. This is totally up to you. You can wait until Spirit gives you your desires, or you can make them known and order them up by doing affirmations.

What do you mean when you say ‘order it up’?

I mean affirm—It is sort of like ordering from the catalogue. Say exactly what you desire.

Can I do an affirmation to make my lover commit to me?

No, I would never do this. This could backfire on you. Every person has been given free choice.

Can I do an affirmation to make my lover marry me?

No, again this is directly against what I teach and directly against to the good of al parties concerned. All affirmations must be done to the highest good of all parties involved.

Are there actually improper affirmations?

Yes, there are many improper affirmations--these are the negative thoughts and statement that we make about ourselves and others every day. We need to be aware of our thinking and action.

How is our life created?

By our thoughts, words and actions.

Are my thoughts all that important? If I change my thoughts, will I change my life?

Yes, Your thoughts are of prime importance. Change your thoughts and you change our life.

Why is it important to write affirmations out? --can’t I just say them in my head?

Yes, you can say them in your head. When you write your affirmation on paper, you are taking them from the unreal and placing them in the real—from the unknown into the known. Writing leaves an image

Do I really need to feel that I deserve what I am affirming? Why?

Yes, you must feel that you deserve what you are affirming or the affirmation will not manifest. Get the feeling of self-worthiness and love, respect and approve of yourself

Why is it so important to do affirmations in the present tense (NOW)? What would happen if I said, I, deserve and now will have…………………? Would that delay the manifestation?

Yes, it is very important to affirm in the now. When you say ‘will have’ you are putting it off into the future, perhaps some future lifetime. The only time is now

How old is the practice of doing affirmations?

It is thousands of years old.

Is there a Bible reference to doing affirmations? If so—please quote a couple of verses from the Bible.

Yes Jesus taught us powerful affirmations – He said, Ask and ye shall receive, knock and the door will be opened, seek and ye shall find. He also said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself; It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom," and many more

When my affirmation is not happening as I think it should what can I do?

Keep on doing your Affirmations even when you are discouraged or depressed. One of my readers told me that, since he started doing affirmations he has not had any of his usual feelings of depression or discouragement. The program itself created and caused an uplifting experience even before any of his Affirmations manifested. Recently he had at least three Affirmations manifest in one month.

When can I expect results from doing my Affirmation Program?

They can happen immediately or in some cases take time. When you write the safety clause to the good of all parties concerned, it happens when it is right for you and everyone else connected therewith.

Why are Affirmation Tools sometimes called Mind-Shift Tools and Exercises?

Because these mind shift exercise (tools) are the key to finding new ways of looking at problems, helping you to see what is in your way, and then releasing old stubborn energy. Those blockages that cause your gut to stir and invoking the full power of Affirmations.

Do Affirmations work to their full potential if I don’t believe?

No they cannot work to their full potential and as quickly as you would life if there are blocks keep them from manifesting.

Can I do certain Affirmations for a particular problem?

Certainly I often prescribe combinations of these exercises, Affirmation Tools etc. depending unpin your problem and/or particular need. It is obvious in my book which exercises to do based on your particular challenge.

Please remember that 'Affirmations When Properly Done Always Work! (Sometimes not in our time frame or as we think they should, but they always work!)

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