TODAY, Saturday September 8th my special guest
is REV WENDY YACBOSKI. She is a Spiritual Life
Coach, International Motivational Speaker and much
more. She has a wealth of information on the 5 Building
Blocks (Forgiveness, Thoughts, Mind Power,
Affirmations and Creative Visualization) of my
Affirmation Process.
TODAY we will be exploring, reviewing and sharing
TODAY we will be exploring, reviewing and sharing
a short description of just what an Affirmation is and
then we will be discussing the 1st and most important
Building Block of the Affirmation Program that I teach.
We will also be answering as many of your emails as
we can on air.
This will be a series of several shows devoted to teaching
This will be a series of several shows devoted to teaching
and sharing information on this process. These shows will
be on the first Satuday of every month and we will be
discussing the 2nd Bilding Block (Power of Thoughts) on
Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 and thereafter on the first
Satruday of the month until we complete the 5 Building
Block Series. I am delighted to have Rev. Wendy as my
guest on this series. Are you interested in a simple, proven
method of making positive changes in your life and learning
how to take control of your life? Just what Affirmations
area; how they work and especially how they can and DO
work for Y O U ! You will learn a great deal about this
wonderful, proven, magical Affirmation Process--- that
really, really works!
TIME: 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time L I V E
The Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show
TIME: 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time L I V E
The Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show